Reviews for Lean On Me
dwjx chapter 22 . 9/29/2018
I can’t believe it’s been a decade since this was published. I remember reading it when it was first uploaded and couldn’t help re read again. it’s been literally 10 years and I can’t inagine you have any intention of continuing but if you do definitely have me looking forward to it!
sg1star chapter 22 . 9/25/2018
Looking forward to seeing where this goes
Cowboy'sMontana chapter 22 . 7/11/2014
I would love more if you have it!
gilo chapter 22 . 8/13/2012
love it! I can't wait for more :) And i have to admit...I actually really like the Flack Lindsay thing. :) I was thinking maybe as a way for Danny to feel less guilty and to break the tension...he could be the one who makes a brake in this Mob case threatening Lindsay and Adam? Maybe he realises something no one else does? That could help mend the burned bridge between Flack and him...I feel like he mended it with Lindsay a little when he let her go and basically said if she was with anyone he was glad it was flack. Because well everyone loves the Danny Flack banter! :P

brokenangelwings16 chapter 22 . 3/24/2011
plz keep wrting
orangeslave chapter 22 . 2/7/2011
Hey. I just recently discovered your story. And by recently I mean a week ago. I've been reading it a couple of times since. The story is just so good and plus, there isn't many Flack/Lindsay stories around.

One of the things I like about this story is how believable their feelings are. From Lindsay's to Flack's to Danny's. In a story like this, many tend to "rush" the feeling between Lindsay and Flack but you manage to keep it going at a steady pace before they realise it.

I could definitely see something like this happening in reality, which also makes it one of the reasons why I like this story so much. The flow of the story is just perfect. Not too fast but not too slow.

It's unfortunate that you stopped writing when the plot was starting to thicken. I hope you somehow remembers this story and starts writing it again.

I'll be waiting for your update.

p/s: sorry for writing a damn essay for this review :D
Stampiej chapter 22 . 12/3/2010
too bad you didn't finish this story. It has a great plot, great love, ...
Carla chapter 22 . 5/27/2010
Ya gonna finish? I liked this story.
triple1978 chapter 22 . 1/13/2010
Hi, I like this story.

When will this continue?

I really like to read more.

Greetings from Germany
shamrockbaby411 chapter 22 . 6/12/2009
I love this story. It really is original and is actually well-paced and thought out. Please continue. I'm dying to find out what happens next.
kate chapter 22 . 4/26/2009
Please update this story! I love Lindsey and Flack together and your story is really good!
jagnic233 chapter 22 . 4/18/2009
please finish this story please
D'Arcy chapter 22 . 2/24/2009
Oh I just stumbled upon this and I love it! I never really considered Flack/Lindsay until I saw the infamous 'you dumped me for a doll!' scene in season 5. They just play off each other so well I'm amazed I missed the chemistry. This story captures all of that beautifully, and doesn't ignore supporting characters. Danny's line “’Cause I’ll lose you to him, but only to him.” was so poignant and honest... please update soon!
FoxPhile chapter 22 . 2/15/2009
This is such a great story. I was watching Snow Day just a few days ago and I wondered what would have happened if Lindsay had worked her shift instead of Danny. And whodda thunk it, I find your terrific story! Like Kismet. But please, please tell my you will be updating soon! My poor heart can't take this!

BTW - I'm glad you allowed Danny to turn back into a semi-decent guy. At least in as much as he realizes what a jerk he was and seems resigned to let Flack and Lindsay be happy together. Although I'm a big D/L shipper, I've really enjoyed how you developed the relationship between Flack and Lindsay. But I really can't see Danny as a total jerk, even if he does mess up big time, all the time.
miss-behave0308 chapter 20 . 2/5/2009
I just discovered your story and I LOVE it! Will you be updating it at all anymore? Or did I find it too late... :( Please keep the storyline going! :)
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