Reviews for Long Time no see
Rawwwwwr chapter 12 . 5/19/2012
Just like to say that I only just read this story and thought it had a terrible end, other than that I really liked it.

That's only because I quite liked reading a Martha bashing story. For it to end like that was rather disapointing and annoying, I wanted to see where it would go.

Personally I think it's disgusting for people to say such horrible things. Constructive critizism, yes, blatent bullying, no! You mentioned it was a Martha bashing fic in the summery so people who don't like it, don't read it! and for f#!k sake don't carry on reading it!
12345jj chapter 11 . 7/13/2009
i really like this. got pretty confused when i read the final chapter though! lol. 10/Rose RULE. I hate Martha too, but she was good in Torchwood:)
YesterdaysFuturesMemories chapter 11 . 4/22/2009
confused muchoo :s

big twist

so you tellin me all of it was them acting ?

timano chapter 11 . 3/26/2009
Intriguing storyline with a surprise ending. Sets it apart from a number of other Rose-vs-Martha stories here...

10 out of 10 stars.
ShrinuiWolf chapter 11 . 1/21/2009
Woah amazing twist there! after all that is was a play! :O woah

lol awesomly done! Brillaint fic!
Scarlet Lady chapter 6 . 1/12/2009
Great premise for the story, but you really need to find either a beta or proofread your story prior to posting. The spelling and grammar errors are detracting from what promises to be a quite interesting storyline.
Han-Skywalker chapter 11 . 1/6/2009

that was not the ending i was expecting but it was still pretty good story.
jerkstore chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
"You wouldn't want us to write stories that cast Rose in a negative light or change her character so she becomes a nasty, jealous person. "

Except that would be entirely in character for Rose.

Anyway, if you're going to write fanfic, please make an attempt to portray the character the way they are in canon. kthnxbai
Hana no Sutoomu chapter 11 . 1/4/2009
well...i didn't expect that at all. i was confused when i read the first part though i did figure it out.
DeathToRoseFen chapter 10 . 1/3/2009
Ellie, let me respond to your queries:

Great constructive criticism, thumbs up to that one.

Who said I'm posting constructive criticism? I'm posting destructive criticism.

Because thats going to improve the story, how immature can you get? seriously?

I don't want this story to improve. I want this story to disappear. Just I like want every single Saint Rose/companion-bash story to vanish without trace.

Are you the Doctor Who police?

Yes. And you're under arrest for Accomplice To Unnecessary Character Bashing.

Only interfere if you've got something intelligent and helpful to say.

But that isn't fun.

I feel sorry for the girl, you have probably knocked this girls confidence.

Aw, poor boobie. If she can't take criticism, she shouldn't be writing. Posting your writing on exposes you to criticism. Man up, take it, and understand that if people say there's a problem, there's probably a problem there somewhere.

So I wouldn't worry , you probably wont have another chapter to harass.

But my job isn't complete until the first nine are gone.

Maybe she doesn't have the best spelling or grammer in the world but that will get better over time.

Will yours? Step One: learn to spell "grammar".

Ignore these reviews, because they think there superior to anyone who has a good story and are probably jealous, so keep on writing no matter what

"Just jealous"...the last refuge of crap writers and those who defend them.
IntellectualBadAss chapter 10 . 1/3/2009
Right, if you guys could kindly Wait until the next and final chapter is posted before making assumptions thank you.
reciprocity chapter 10 . 1/3/2009
What geekuberlord said. It's called reciprocity. You wouldn't want us to write stories that cast Rose in a negative light or change her character so she becomes a nasty, jealous person. Therefore, you should show us some respect and not write stories where Martha is altered from her screen persona into someone horrible.
Ellie chapter 10 . 1/3/2009
Yes, I think your all pathetic. Its only a story. I think you all need to put ones feet up, take a breather and simmer down.

She is only a kid, maybe she hasn't been alive as long as all you senior members of fan fiction. So don't be patronizing. Shes writing stories, just like you.

Everyones got a right to an opinion, but it should be expressed in a calm manner.

And you.. DeathToRoseFen

'Oh, dear God, you can't even spell "dumbfounded". Why do you bother?'

Great constructive criticism, thumbs up to that one.

Because thats going to improve the story, how immature can you get? seriously?

Are you the Doctor Who police? You don't decide what goes in her story, worry about your own stories. Only interfere if you've got something intelligent and helpful to say.

I feel sorry for the girl, you have probably knocked this girls confidence. So I wouldn't worry , you probably wont have another chapter to harass.

I personally think she has potential as a writer. Maybe she doesn't have the best spelling or grammer in the world but that will get better over time. I like this story and to the writer. Ignore these reviews, because they think there superior to anyone who has a good story and are probably jealous, so keep on writing no matter what

Hana no Sutoomu chapter 10 . 1/3/2009
i hope they all get togather soon. thats so sad i feel so sorry for the doctor. also a bit pissed at martha but anyway great story and i hope you update soon.
geekuberlord chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
Look at it this way. If I wrote a fanfic in which Rose acts like a jealous scheming b!tch, how would you feel when you read it? Now take that feeling, and consider that you're making a lot of people feel the same way when you write Martha-bashing fics like this one.

But have no fear. I will never, ever write a fanfic in which Rose acts like a jealous scheming b!tch.
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