Reviews for Passion
Guest chapter 4 . 5/10/2013
love it
berryc chapter 16 . 4/20/2013
PLEASE CONTINUE WRITING! love this story. love the family of three their so sweet together. hopes naruto gets over sasuke or that sasuke finally realizes what he's actually doing and that gaara would accept that he's loved by neji. please please please update!
KeelyRMalone chapter 16 . 5/10/2012
ok u need to end where

1. sasuke takes his head out of his ass or naruto finds a new possible love... like sai i guess (to stick to the dark type)

2. neji and gaara need to make it official... as in they both know that they love each other

3. tell how everyone is doing like a year or so later kinda thing ... Maybe

thats my opinion its ur story and ik watever u do will be perfect but plz do finish the story
KeelyRMalone chapter 4 . 5/10/2012
:( THAT...

was down right cruel

gimme smexy NUDE Gaara-kun

lunarwolf01 chapter 16 . 12/31/2010
update soon please
Anarane-Sensei chapter 16 . 10/4/2010
Aww, poor Naruto. Can't wait till the next chapter 3
Rascal609 chapter 16 . 8/27/2010
Aww cuteness! LOVED it :}
NejiGaa4life chapter 16 . 8/27/2010
Writers block is understandable I get drawers block all the time Im a artist -with fake cheesy french moustache- mwa ha ha haXD! -blush- ummm I read the thing you left your warnings for and well -blush-O.O also you should give it a fluffy ending 'cause there are way too many angst fics and oneshots for this pairing, but other than that just skim through random ideas for the ending, and let it come to youXD! BYE BYEXD!
Rascal609 chapter 15 . 8/21/2010

Rascal609 chapter 4 . 8/21/2010
normally I resist reviewing untill the last chapter but I have to... IT was too cute! LOVe your story! L OVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! SOOO CUTE! T.T... shirtless! I totally almost died!

NejiGaa4life chapter 15 . 8/18/2010
Well I would hug Gaara and give Neji the cookies, just for fun!XD OMG!O.O are you phsycic? No joke, I was just thinking about three hours ago how much that song would suit Gaara!O.o!XD weird, but awesomeXD! Good chappieXD! BYE BYE!XD
NejiGaa4life chapter 14 . 8/17/2010
And thank you for introducing me to NejiGaaXD Awwww Maya so kicked Arashi's ass!XD -blush- its so sweet that Neji is choosing to stand by Gaara!XD I just realised and rembered something!O.O you kept Gaara's dad alive AND I completly forgot about Gaara's lack of tattoo, Oh well, great chappie!XD BYE BYE!XD
NejiGaa4life chapter 13 . 8/14/2010
-blush-O.O YAAAAAY!XD Good chapter and a lot has been revealed to Neji, its so sweet how much he cares for his little panda!XD update soon please I'm really looking forward to what will happenXD BYE BYE!XD
NejiGaa4life chapter 12 . 8/12/2010
You know I really hope this fic has a happy ending, because this was the very first NejiGaa fic I ever read I used to be a LeeGaa fan until i saw a fic that said "one-sided NejiGaa" curious I searched for a NejiGaa and came across this, well I have been obsessed with only NejiGaa since, so please let this fic have a happy ending, if it wasnt for this fic I wouldnt have discovered the joy that is NejiGaa!XD BYE BYE!XD
tpfw01 chapter 10 . 2/21/2010
woot! this was so awesome and Gaara ish so frickishly cute!
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