Reviews for The Last Spy
Guest chapter 17 . 7/19
Um mmm
Guest chapter 16 . 7/19
I am actually a 48-year-old man
Guest chapter 15 . 7/19
Honestly someone like Severus can call me a mudblood any time, it would be our kink

I would roll around in the mud and take selfies and send them to him on Snapchat with the caption, oink oink little piggy loves her mud
Guest chapter 14 . 7/19
Nice one *hand gun emoji*
Guest chapter 13 . 7/19
I feel like I fell into a drea. Like Hermione did except it’s just fricking mediocrity, 100hour work weeks , suburbs, and depression

someone help
Guest chapter 12 . 7/19
Quic chapter gonna go bake a cake
Guest chapter 11 . 7/19
Wtf Hermione she’s a crazy with that delusion! Here is my story about delusional people.
I worked in a group home with a man who was psychotic like that. Anyways he ended up killing someone, so that’s why he was in the group home. He used to threaten to kill me when I would bring him his medications. We all went to get groceries at Walmart and he got pissed over a jug of milk and the cost of cigarettes so he beat up the Walmart clerk, I’m talking pounded this person, blood everywhere, assaulted their ass. The cops were called and it took four of them to get him in the car. He was trying to kill them with his bare hands. So he goes off to prison for a few months. I finally get a new job out of that hellhole right before he’s about to come back. The first weekend he’s back (staff is less on the weekends) the girl they replaced me with was trapped by him and Raped. I’m talking he fucked her up. He knocked out all her front teeth and choked her unconscious and she had to crawl out of a window to call the cops She is let go of her job for not doing it well enough. They make us sign contracts saying any damage We get in the job isn’t our fault. Anyways fuck that place. That’s what this chapter reminds me of.
Bong RIPS 4 utah chapter 10 . 7/19
Iam not sure where I am, the only thing I remember is that I am joe Biden, The year is 1988 and I’m watching the NGA championchip, my wife Ashley made me pancakes for breakfast, I only have 1 real tooth so theY are soft on my gums, I am scared,.. so,etimes fat ladies come to my house and make me read off of a script. I don’t know what I’m saying, who is November? Why do I hate Donnie? I love playing bridge. a
A Moment of clarity strikes,,,l I am in my basement, my bunker the fat ladies tell me, she hit me the other day for stuttering and I am afraid. I have been trapped here for five months
Guest chapter 8 . 7/18
Yeet myself into Hogwarts a dab so fast the sorting hat thinks I'm magic. My house would be swaggindorf
Guest chapter 4 . 7/18
"A womens magik" is how I paid for college!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/18
Hermionie the Instagram fitness girl with her black spandex and slicked back hair
How many followers u think she has
I'm betting 1.3 million
Guest chapter 2 . 7/18
Good stuff thanks 4 writing

It is always convenient when the parents leave the scene lmfao I love how they just portkey away like, "byeeeee kid lmfao hope u survive" anyways thanks for not dragging the story down w their concern haha
kate.m.p.wright chapter 49 . 4/8
I wish it was more focused on Hermione and Severus, there is a LOT going on in this book and it gets dry.
0melting.snow0 chapter 4 . 1/19
I've probably read this story like a thousand times already but I'm sure I will read it a thousand times more. thank you so much.
karishma85 chapter 29 . 10/30/2019
I’m really enjoying this story. BUT one thing that really annoys me is when authors put Hermione’s age wrong. In chapter 29 she says she will turn 17 in a couple months AFTER Ron and Harry which would make her a school year younger when she is actually the oldest in their school year. Just thought you may want to fix that.
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