Reviews for This Time Around
DJArla chapter 20 . 8/2
I really enjoyed this. It wasn’t overdramatic or smutty, but it was sweet and easy to read. Massive round of applause for your excellent spelling and grammar. Looking forward to reading some of your other works
Romione4evah chapter 1 . 7/3
Awwww I love Ron and Harry’s relationship!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27
Oh my gosh, even baby Ted loved fish and chips!
KokoElle920 chapter 4 . 4/17
me, discovering this fic on april 17th: :DDDD
ReverseF chapter 20 . 11/13/2019
Starting this series over for the 4th time. And it still holds up. Great work!
ProfMoony chapter 14 . 2/8/2019
Loving this fic so far. Teddy's dreams brought tears to my eyes (and I'm a guy)
sbmcneil chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
I think I've read this before, but it looks good. Why does Harry have to talk to everyone in the world before proposing to Ginny? I can kind of see talking to Ron and/or Hermione, but really Ginny should be the first to know - the others can wait.
ImATrooper chapter 20 . 5/7/2018
absolutely adored this story! i love how real the characters seemed and you did such a great job organizing the story and writing so many characters.
Noemi Figueroa chapter 17 . 4/25/2018
Decisive Ron pulls at my heart strings every time!
Guest chapter 20 . 7/8/2017
Omg! I absolutely adored this fic! U are an amazing writer! Thanks for making my day! :))
lqharbaugh101 chapter 9 . 4/19/2017
Believe me when I say that I almost never reply plus until recently I never read anything that wasn't rated M but I had to let you I'm really loving this story I especially love the HArry-giving-a-talk-to-students and hearing about the stories of their first years experiences of escaping before the battle and being tortured by the carrows, I never thought about how it would effect first years. Keep up the great work
Noemi chapter 9 . 12/21/2016
Finally, the why of the break up!
lizzzsunshine chapter 20 . 9/4/2016
Wonderful story!
lizzzsunshine chapter 13 . 9/4/2016
Your characterization of Luna was spot on!
mspstar97 chapter 20 . 8/13/2016
Is there a sequel? You certainly gave yourself a good starting point for one with this ending. This was a very sweet story, and I highly enjoyed it. I'm a fan of keeping canon couples together, for the most part. I never really saw the buildup for Romione, but I was also a really young kid when I read the books. (Seriously, I finished Deathly Hallows when it came out the summer before 6th grade right after I'd turned 10.) I was a super sheltered child and honestly didn't see the romance coming and for that reason thought it was unnecessary, but as I've grown up (I'm in college now, eep!), I've come to ship the main canon couples. Sorry that had a bit too much information about me, but your fic made me realize just how much I appreciated Romione and Harry/Ginny (Hinny, is it? I'm not a huge fan of that name though). You did a great job, and you should be proud. Thanks for writing this!
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