Reviews for Against Better Judgment
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 29 . 12/22/2017
Another wonderful installment! I know you said you were having some difficulties writing this, but I think it turned out stellar in all ways - and believable too, which makes it best. I can always picture everything that happens. The full scene featuring Tina Marie at the nightclub with the sheriff was just delightful in so many ways. Her brand of charm is just so blunt, so sultry, and just so true. She's an incredibly vibrant character and I love that! I also didn't fail to smile over the exchanges between Cassie and Brian; the good-natured attitude he had with her was honestly cute and I admit I nearly fell out of my chair when I read the part about her health pamphlets not even making it into his "bathroom reading collection." Holy heck, that is HILARIOUS. Brian's level of charm can't even be described. I've told you ten thousand time already how I've never loved a character more than I love him, but it may as well be said for the ten-thousand-and-one time! To wax serious, though, Cassie's inquiry was simple but seemed to say a lot also upon Brian's departure: "Who does he have?" That goes for so many things. Moving onward to Dave and Joanna, I felt every facet of the pain and disappointment in their marriage on Joanna's end and I knew something startling would happen even though I expected it in some ways. When she says, "I can't do this anymore" I anticipated it all along but it was still gripping. Their union is so realistic and I admire the fact you put in all of the qualities so many marriages face do to work and changing lifestyles. I think I nearly cried when Joanna asked Dave if he regretted marrying her. That hurts and is so true to how women so often blame themselves first for things. You've got a sensational grasp on humanity. The second part with Tina Marie and the sheriff had me completely on edge. I cannot even begin to describe how incredible that sequence was, between the ways she so smoothly led the officer on to how startling everything went with the corrosive drink. I am in awe of your abilities to write something so startling and horrifying and incredible all in the same moment. When Miranda materialized with "the reaper in her glare," it got all the better. The moment of revenge was mind-blowing and I saw it all like a movie. I had to read all of that at least a half-dozen times to appreciate all of the angles and the depth of what was happening. I'm left shocked, in awe, and hungry for more of this fabulous saga!
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 30 . 12/22/2017
I think it's safe to say I loved absolutely everything about this chapter! The introduction dealing between Brian and Dave's meeting with George Harris was something I particularly admired because it just has so many right details to make me see them as if I were a fly on the wall. The technicalities of the racing business you include in your story are something that just wow me time and again because they add so much life to it all and proves you have a broad grasp of a subject that I know I have a difficult time writing to seem real. I loved all of the scenes which took place at the party also, from Brian's notice of those lovely ladies to the very revealing meeting between Andrew and Colton which gripped me because - for better or for worse - I didn't see what was coming from that at all! The fact that Andrew caused Colton's accident on purpose, I understand why everyone kept it quiet to him, but when the truth came out I truly felt bad for Colton. That must have been a horrific blow for him to realize what he thought was true actually wasn't. The scene between he and Brian was particularly sweet in a lot of ways and I have to say I read it over several times to enjoy it in full but all of the intricacies which took place in between. Something that really stands out to me with it premonition sort of quality was what Brian said towards the end of their conversation: "You've got it backwards ... these are the simpler days." Wow. That can apply to so many things in life and for me is probably going to be one of those memorable quotes that stays in my head to pop out at the right times. Everything between Joanna and Dave went just as wonderfully as I knew it would and I truly hope things can stay better between them for this time as she tries to gently accept her husband's ways which are understandably quite mysterious for her and make her wish she knew what all was going on with him. I don't doubt at all that their day together will be made perfect in the ways they both wish to share it. Is it alright to say I practically fell off the bed when I read the last part with Colton and Cassie from its tense start up to its thrilling end? I was so excited to see this happen as I was feeling bad for them at the knowing they wouldn't be able to be together as much as they'd want to once Colton began racing at further and further tracks. If you write of their wedding, I do look forward to reading it! They are just the sweetest couple and definitely are a favorite of mine in the wonderful world your story entrenches me within.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 28 . 10/10/2017
In absolutely every way, I loved this! I'm inclined to admit this chapter had made me fall further in love with the dashing Mr. Cartona if that was at all possible. His reactions to the children are priceless, of course, but I honestly squealed when I read the part where he (unwillingly) agreed to hold the baby. Oh. My. Gosh. I died. I've fallen over the edge now and am forever locked in love with that tough car. Congratulate yourself for ensuring I've a permanent crush alongside all of my others. Now I truly fantasize over the name Brian Cartona. When I fell (briefly) off the Passion Wagon, I was gripped by the exchanges between Cassie and Joanna. My heart goes out to that poor lady. I'm sad that she's feeling the way she does, and that her marriage to Dave doesn't have the same happiness she hoped for before he got his riches. At this time I feel Joanna needs Cassie in her life in so many ways as her friend and confidante. I honestly felt her pain as I read this and it still hits me upon rereading the chapter. I loved the atmosphere and the terrific sparks that flew when Dave and Brian were at the club and Joanna's ex-fiance drove in. Oh boy, I knew something bad was going to happen. Brian sure socked it to him, though, I have to say! I admit I derived extreme delight in reading about how he had that brawl with the ex. He's a tougher car than I ever imagined and somehow or another, he seems like he'd look even more charming with his headlights bashed out and his other "battle scars." The poor boy though, really. Enough of that. Holy Ford... why do I ramble about Brian so much? You're probably near ill of me verbally throwing myself upon him. *takes a deep breath* Okay, I'm back and more serious now. Really, the jail scene was top-notch and filled with all of the right emotions especially when Joanna showed up with Cassie. The last sentence, "... Her eyes relayed an agony that was worse than the pain from any fight he ever finished" was purely chilling. I cannot guess what'll happen next.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 27 . 10/10/2017
On so many levels I just loved this! Everything turned out way better than I could even have hoped with the interactions between Brian and Joanna and they are very believable given their personalities I think. First though, the exchanges between Colton and Cassie were very well executed and I just think their love is so so sweet. Even how Colton is moving forward with her is such a charm to read. I LOVED how Cassie behaved at the drive-in when the wild and crazy lovers departed. She's got moves, let me tell ya what. I bet Colton didn't expect her pass with that! Moving scenes to Brian and Dave at the bar, I thought it was really interesting how they seemed to bond on an entirely different level, whether or not alcohol had its part in it. I am very intrigued as to how Tina Marie was related to what happened with Miranda - what a cliffhanger to end with! Later when Brian escorted Dave back home in his severely inebriated state and all that followed that was told with the voice of someone who really sees and understands the less pretty parts of life. The quote, "Brian dared not to guess the time, knowing very well it was half past inexcusable for a woman who cherished her husband above her own life" says so much. I love how you used that wordage, half past inexcusable. It's powerful. Wow... I just could rattle on forever with how I enjoyed this chapter, seriously. Your story runs so beautifully and so real and has this undercurrent of tragedy and the fates we can't avoid in life. Brian I fall harder for all the time; no matter his past mistakes, his addictions, the general way he's lived life, I feel... does this sound right? I feel sad for him. For whatever reason whenever I read about him in his most candid moment I think of the scores in Billy Joel's "Piano Man," like the part where it says, "They're sharing a drink they call loneliness/But it's better than drinking alone." Holy heck, I've really rambled on! Keep up the excellent work I know you'll always do, Kelsey - you're just so talented!
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 26 . 10/10/2017
This. Was. FABULOUS! I think the wait made it even better. I just savored every word. The moment where Cassie and Joanna have their breakthrough was like a true sigh of relief for everyone and I couldn't help but smile during all of their future interactions together. I'm so glad they've worked out their worries and realized things will be okay. And, oh boy! Brian being typical Brian again. I love how one moment he's just so blunt about how to "please a woman" but how he also has that sense of what can matter also, even though that subject may have been a tad "deep" for Colton. I grinned when I read the last part where Dave conspiratorially asks Brian for a little more on that subject matter!
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 25 . 10/10/2017
What a lovely scene with Colton and Cassie and he expressing his desire for her to be his best girl! I love how they get a long in such a sweet sort of relationship. And there we have another moment when Brian shows himself to be a completely classical fellow with his snappy dialogue. I cracked up at that part where he's watching the TV unpacking and accuses James of getting "shit all over the floor." I am truly feeling sorry for Joanna though... she wants so much to feel and fit right with Cassie despite the differences her marriage has created.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 24 . 8/4/2017
Colton and Cassie are an incredibly sweet and heartwarming couple. Their sort of young love is of an innocence so different from the magnificent Brian Cartona, and I love it in its own way just as much. Also, I'm thinking I need some extra "details" with Brian and the vivacious Tina Marie. I picture her to be as showy as Flo with all that chrome trimming. I like her bad-girl ways a lot, to be honest. Hell, if I lived in that universe and got Brian as a lover, I'd likely be tempted to be that way, too. He just rather brings that out in a woman, I think. Great work! I so look forward to more.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 23 . 8/4/2017
Oh boy, how I loved it when Andrew woke up to see Brian right there in his room an engine crank-away from sending him into next year! That was just splendid! Also, I hope Dave and Joanna are able to have themselves a grand weekend at that palatial sounding penthouse. The last sequence where Andrew volunteers to help Colton at the track was unexpected yet a good, kindly gesture.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 22 . 8/4/2017
Oh. my. god. That flashback with Miranda nearly made me cry. The poor woman, grieving for her lost husband and then being taken by the police as well? What happened to her? Something tells me something horrible was her fate. And poor Colton, too. I was horrified to read of his crash and was further horrified to learn that Andrew had it all planned. That scumbag! I hope things were out for the kid, and I wonder if he ever meets again with the mysterious Cassie.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 21 . 8/4/2017
Now I admit I'm worried about where things will go for Dave after his visit with the doctor. Will he heed his advice and take better care of himself or will he run himself further and further into the ground...? So much seems to be happening for the Hendersons. Also, nice little humor sequence with Brian throwing the rock at the lawn boy!
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 20 . 8/4/2017
Girl, I am constantly amazed by your broad talent when it comes to conveying so much! There was so much good in this chapter that I barely know where to start. Firstly, I really enjoyed all of the flashbacks. Those were so great between Brian and his gang during his early moonshine-running days to the situation between Joanna and her then-fiance. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, you put in that wonderful scene of Brian at the club, so very nearly getting lucky with that girl and then Colton had to mess it all up. Poor Brian. I kind of felt sorry for him. That was such a pity he got an "ugly date."
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 19 . 8/4/2017
You've done phenomenal work giving Mackey a personality I can completely see and totally understand. I'm awfully sorry about the rough past he, his brother and Brian led at one time. He truly sounds like a good guy all in all. I admit I laughed when I read the part where Mackey thought Colton was Brian's son. "Sweet Chrysler, you had a child?!" That part is gold! Also, very tense ending that mellowed out to something a dash sweeter with Dave and Joanna at the end. I truly feel the many questions in their marriage.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 18 . 8/4/2017
I very much so enjoyed the scene of Dave at the jail bailing the two guys out! The way he fumed about being seen there was quite understandable. A very interesting moment too between Brian and Dave later in the chapter - it was interesting to learn one of the reasons why Joanna has taken so much to the drink. I really wonder about what will happen in their future.
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 16 . 7/28/2017
Is it getting hot in here? AGAIN? The sexy award this time goes to Mr. Dave Henderson. I have been sitting over an hour reading all of this gold. That shower scene started off kind of sexy, then turned to upsetting when Joanna laid down the line to him and then it got REALLY sexy at the end. Hot damn, that last sentence...! I hastily concealed a squeal and probably blushed. But, what the hell? It's a whole lot hotter than any people-themed romance!
RMS-OLYMPICA chapter 15 . 7/28/2017
Colton's adorable, really. His excitement and verve for the sport is just so fun to read, and I also couldn't hep but smile when I read the part of him looking at the paper, ripping through it excitedly to finish the story. I can literally hear Brian's deadpan tone in my head of him saying, "No one else planned on reading the paper, good job." I also enjoyed the quiet and intimate moment between Joanna and Dave on the telephone and could feel how much they missed each other. When she joined the party in the room next door and was wondering about what Brian was writing, "the Address," I had to clap my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't squeal loudly. I think there should be some special edition of The Daily Exhaust that says "BRIAN DOES IT AGAIN!"
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