Reviews for Not Her
The Mad Maiden chapter 1 . 3/19/2009
It was short, but to the point. And I think you got that across very well. Atton really does make sonme good arguments. They really are in love with different women.
Magical Mistress Sarai chapter 1 . 3/11/2009
I did like Atton from KOTOR 2, he was a worthy replacement (or at least as good as they could come up with) for Carth Onasi.

This is a short, sweet, and to the point fic that truly captures the complexities of falling in love with someone and learning why you shouldn't be jealous of other people. Jealousy kills many good relationships because two people who cannot trust each other cannot be together... it's a cold, hard truth. I love how Atton speaks about the darker things that the Exile did, but his tone is one of reverence, possibly even this shadowy seduction.

I really loved the feel I got from this story. Sentence structure was sound, well versified and complex at time... but simple when it needed to be. Imagery, literation... it was all perfect to create this feel of not only how Atton understood the Exile but just how much he really had come to terms (not only with he feelings but with his love). Bravo... excellent work.
skywalker05 chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
Very good. I like the portrait you paint of the two sides of your Exile. You've got some good wording-I like the second and third paragraphs very much.
Code name Anrui Yuy chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
I LOVE the tone you give to Atton here, and your dressing down of the exile is wonderful too. Too many authors paint her closer to Micals image, its nice to see a more gritty, realistic exile portrayed
Frankie in Like chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
Wow... this was perfect. It totally captured both Atton and Mical's versions of love for the Exile (I
HanuuEshe chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
I'm glad to see your muse gave you a sotry, even if it is only a short little one-shot. And I like how Atton stopped being jealous because eh realized that Mical had more of a case of hero-worship than love. I kind of wish we got to have the moment in the game, even if it was only in a cut ending.
Mithostwen chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
Wow. This is probably the shortest fanfic I've ever read, but it's a perfect depiction of the little love triangle, the difference between Atton and Mical, and an awesome picture of the Exile-ALL the sides of her personality... And you pulled that off in only half a page! I am experiencing severe jealousness... Very well done. And lucky me that I'm not in Hawaii, Texas or Maine or I would have missed out :-)
Uilleand chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
I. Love. This.

... and I completely agree with it.