Reviews for The Twelve
Guest chapter 15 . 8/5
I'm glad you didn't delete it, so at least Shego lived. Good fic
Shita731 chapter 15 . 4/27
I hate to see this story discontinued but I understand real life comes before this. I hope you are doing well and staying healthy wherever you are during this time!
AminaZaria chapter 15 . 1/1/2018
I was so looking forward to the end of this. Oh well, I hope that all is going well. I know it sucks being an adult but we all have to do it sometimes...unless you're a writer than u get to live in your imagination for a living. U should try it, you're good enough.
Rei chapter 15 . 12/30/2017
Sometimes i like to go back and read my favorite fics from old fandoms. Yours included. However, this fic always makes me so sad. I was not a big fan of the second part, but I always wanted a proper (happy) ending for this story. I just wanted to let you know. Thanks for writing. I basically created a whole story in my head following the first story just to have an ending lol
Rei chapter 15 . 12/30/2017
ThatOneOverThereNoTheOtherOne chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
I just finished a few new tricks and I'm so fucking happy I decided to look through the rest of your stories. I literally fist pumped when I saw you'd written a sequel. I know the stories are old but could you maybe put a note at the end of a few new tricks to let people know there's more? I'm sure there are a few who weren't lucky like me.
MilandaAnza chapter 15 . 4/18/2017
I enjoyed this story and was sad it never finished, the twelve had the opportunity to be an amazing story arc... but at the same time it needed a lot of time and focus. In a way I'm not sure if a story focusing just on Shego being resurrected and the After fluff of her and Kim finally having a life together wouldn't have been preferable.

Either way I enjoyed this read so thank you for writing
alternate zero chapter 15 . 12/26/2016
please do update this. it's a great story so far. I'm still looking forward for a happy ending, but u want to cut things off at a few new tricks? please don't abandon this fic...
Guest chapter 15 . 10/19/2016
Wow did you just dump us? Cos that's what I feel. I don't know where in the world did you get the idea that you aren't a good writer and your writing is not good enough any more, because that's a lie. This story is awesome, your story is awesome, and I feel extremely disappointed that you've left us hanging. You didn't even finish at a good part, you left us hanging on a cliff. Your writing skills are on dot, I know because I was able to imagine every single thing that you wrote, I saw everything so clearly in my mind's eye. I felt the stress, the tension, the relief and so much more; feeling these emotions in a fiction story, entirely created by the writer means that I know you aren't some amateur writer. Trust me, you got over a hundred reviews for a reason. That's more than a hundred people loving this story. Now you've left me and everyone else on a thin piece of string. I can't begin to tell you how much Kim possible has annoyed me, frustrated me and made me want to really really dislike her. The fact she put shego...SHEGO before her family, her friends, before the whole wide world for some dumb love. I mean I would get it if it was her family or Ron or monique, but for goodness sake this is shego. It makes me revolted for her. I actually have fallen in love with the kindness of the twins, you make me love the twins so much more than Kim, as great as the twins are I miss the Kim I came to know on TV. Kim is someone I admire and for you to leave my last thought of Kim possible being the CAUSE of death & destruction, when all I've know is kim putting others before her, is like a crime. I so so wish you will come back and finish this off, to let Kim Possible to redeem herself, for her to show that her FAMILY is MORE important than a recent partner. Also the fact that shego in your first book (a few more tricks) is a lot more giving, in here it seems she doesn't care that Kim is causing destruction. I do apologise of how brutally I've written this, but I want to portray my feelings of frustration to you. I have seen you are still active, the last story you updated was only in August, so I beg you to continue this, it's a fascinating plot and I'm sad that I don't know what will happen with the sons of the fifth and what happens with the uniting of the twelve. Please update, I'd rather you write anything to complete this story rather than to leave it unfinished. It doesn't have to to be perfect, it just has to be complete. If you delete this story it would be very sad, since it was nice to see shego being resurrected, I felt the previous story left everything in a very down and low note. Thank you for reading this, and I hope to see a new chapter posed soon.
yilen chapter 15 . 2/2/2016
Sad to know you had to leave this, I liked your work from A Few New Tricks and wanted to see what your next work would be like. I'm at least happy that Shego and Kim got to meet each other before you had to stop the fic, otherwise I would be even more upset.
do you know how you wanted to end this? I don't know, maybe you could tell us how you wanted this to end :P
Anyways, at least it's kind of good to know that your reasons are for being an adult and decided to officially tell us, and not something sadder. I've seen so many fics abandoned because of personal or close issues that the authors have. I hope that you will one day decide to continue this! Thanks for the work you've done!
KieranMR chapter 15 . 2/14/2015
Sad to hear that.

Thanks for the amazing stories, and if you ever come back to continue, we'll be here waiting.
Wolfgate227 chapter 15 . 7/17/2014
Dude, I know it's been a while but please please please start this up again, this is one of the most amazing stories I've ever read especially considering it's a fan-fiction. I need to know how it ends, I beg of you. You're an amazing writer and you should continue with it for as long as possible (pun intended :) ). I sincerely hope you read this and when you get time start it up again. I love the story so very much. Thanks for reading and keep up the great work.
kaitousan24 chapter 15 . 6/25/2014
No please don't stop writing this fic and predecessor were amazing I want to see how this ends
I know you will find your muse again in a place u least expect
sanekittens chapter 15 . 4/28/2014
B-but...this is so unfair!
I need more. :,(
sanekittens chapter 7 . 4/28/2014
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