Reviews for Dogtown: Recipe for a Blackhole
Freebird87 chapter 17 . 8/21/2018
Good story! Please continue.
LiveThroughThis chapter 17 . 1/6/2018
I read the whole story in one sitting, it was that good. I fucking love Eden, she's so snappy and doesn't take shit from anyone. Most LODT oc fanfics depict the oc as "just one of the guys" or a girl that just swoops in and immediately fits in, which is totally unrealistic. I especially enjoy her dynamic with Tony, more so than with Jay who just reminds me of a crazy ex of mine. Plus the denied sexual tension between Eden and Tony makes me excited for any and all of their interactions. Hope you continue with this story that has a lot of potential! :) Can't wait for the next update!
xXASHXx chapter 18 . 11/21/2014
Update please
Spencer chapter 18 . 10/5/2014
No don't give it away. Keep it. I like Eden and Tony too. I love how every time she's in a tough situation he comes to the rescue. They fit more than Eden and Jay ever could. They challenge each other and makes the other better only if they let it. This could be a beautiful couple.

P.s it's never to late to update a story, as long as you do.
Marie chapter 18 . 2/11/2014
I know I'm extra late but don't give it away, keep it. No one can write a story that you started better than yourself. The only way you will disappoint anyone is by not finishing.
You should make it a Eden/Tony story it's going to be more interesting. Also Eden should loosen up a little. Also Jay needs to get over himself. You should cut lily, at least for a little while. She creates unnecessary drama and she don't fit in with group right. You should have kathy and Eden be friends that would fit more with her and Tony being together. (She can sleep over her house our something) I also like kathy/stacy together, but anyway this story is amazing and I hope you start it up again. you're a wonderful writer.
marie chapter 18 . 2/11/2014
I know I'm extra late but don't give it away, keep it. No one can write a story that you started better than yourself. The only way you will disappoint anyone is by not finishing.
You should make it a Eden/Tony story it's going to be more interesting. Also Eden should loosen up a little. Lily should be cut at least for awhile. She don't fit in with everyone good and she's boring/annoying. You should have had Eden be friends with Kathy so she can get closer to Tony like she can spend a night with kathy and the relationship can go on from their, I also like stacy/kathy . Jay also needs to get over himself but I love your story and you're an amazing writer.
Jesse Powers chapter 18 . 4/5/2013
I agree with fallingleaf1016 you should try alternate endings, but if you must choose I totally LOVE Eden X Jay! 3
Neon Leon chapter 18 . 12/26/2011
I vote Eden/Jay!
lil chapter 18 . 10/17/2011
pLeaseeeee write more i want to find out what happens to jay and if anything happens with eden and tony
Kayseetwin chapter 18 . 5/6/2011
I wish you would continue this. I understand the decision is hard, but as a writer it's one you'll need to face. Consider doing a poll or something.

Unless someone has already taken over, in which case, can you tell me? D
blairandchuck chapter 18 . 10/14/2010
Hi, so this story is so amazing and I absolutely love it. I really wish you would continue with it, but since you most likely aren't as you haven't updated in forever, I was just wondering if anyone ended up rewriting it. Thanks.
Sheckler-Skateborder-Lover-97 chapter 18 . 10/4/2010
you should have eden and jay because there the ones that fight more and would totaly better together please hurry and make up your mind im not trying to be bitchy. i just really want another chapter hurry lol.

loves abigal

A chapter 18 . 8/23/2010
This was good, after all this time, think you could finish it?
Iamthelostone13194 chapter 18 . 12/14/2009
I'm pretty sure EVERYONE wants YOU to continue the story! But I like Eden/Jay better! You have to make her suddenly just LOSSEN UP! She needs to be more free and stop being a total prude! I mean seriously! I would NOT do that if I met them! You HAVE to write more! I have NEVER seen such genius and cleaverly written witty banter! I LOVE it! You have to write more! You simply HAVE to!
Freebird87 chapter 18 . 10/21/2009
If you think Eden/Tony would feel more right, then I say go for it.
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