Reviews for Death Penalty
look chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
Hey, you should totally make this the cover for this story:

s127. photobucket albums/p126/A_Liger/Pairs/Jade%20x%20Dist/?actionview&

(Take out the spaces from the URL)

It shows Dist behind bars leaning into them trying to talk to Jade, it totally fits!
Taki chapter 1 . 11/25/2011

great story~
Rainmy chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
beutifully sad ...u.u I prefer it this way,I'd would hate seeing him die in front of a thnk seeing that used to be an entertaiment before...
Radioactivesnail chapter 1 . 9/6/2009
Gosh this is so sad I almost couldn't bring myself to review... But it's so good I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't... I almost cried at the end... I loved the last line.
Junipertree chapter 1 . 9/1/2008
I enjoyed the overall story and the characterization, but I have a few gripes:

One, the fic is littered with typos. Seriously, don't just spellcheck it, go over it (I saw a couple times that 'lie' was misspelled as 'lye'). One or two errors is one thing, bit this fic had them everywhere.

Two, describing eyes as 'orbs' never sounds good. It just sounds needlessly flowery and purple.

Three, 'unrequited love that could never be' is terribly redundant.

All that said, though, I usually drop a fic that has this many typos and aimless purple as this one about three lines in, but something about it kept me to the end. Fix it up a bit and it could be great. :D
Ephyne chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
TT_TT... So sad!

Though it was somewhat morbid (which I don't mind), it was very sweet as well. I think it would be the perfect ending if there ever was an ending to them. Bittersweet. Such stories are always my favorite. It's wonderfully written too, and I must say, I love it. Great job! Wonderful job! You sure did well with one of my favorite pairings!
LambIAm chapter 1 . 6/15/2008
That was so sad. But I loved it . Definately one of my favourites. Great job!
anonymouse chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
Wow. That was honestly one of the sadest stories I've ever read. I wanted to cry at the end.
Click chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
I noticed a few My Chemical Romance references here. xD

"This is what you want, so fire at will!"

"For the last night I lye... could I lye with you?"

And probably one more, but I can't remember what it was.

Anyway, great job for bringing together two of my favorite things-

MCR and TOA! Woot! :3

But, really, this was an incredibly moving story with precious little grammatical errors, most of them just punctuation.

I LOVE your Jadist stuff, so please, please, write more!
Mistral Ebony chapter 1 . 5/28/2008
This is the second Dist in Prison fic i've read tonight. The first one was comical. This one almost made me cry. Apart from a few word mix-ups, this was probably the most moving TotA story i've read.
KeidaHattori chapter 1 . 3/18/2008
T.T th-that was soo sad!T.T
Tawichi chapter 1 . 2/11/2008
I really felt like crying at the end. XDD;

Spectacular writing! I always get excited when you upload new fictions. I can't wait for more!