Reviews for Code of Silence
Ecri chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
Perfect! I love the way you dealt with the characters' natural stubborness and managed to keep them so completely in character. Wonderful!
storyfan101 chapter 1 . 2/24/2008
Two characters still learning about each other, and as they do, they learn so much about themselves and their blooming friendship. I can imagine that you've come pretty close to explaining a convicts life behind bars, too. Really nice story. Thanks for sharing.
L.M.Lewis chapter 1 . 2/15/2008
I do so like the idea of Frank as both instigator and interlocutor in this one.

But it's really all about the two guys. Here's Mark with one foot still back in San Quentin, having trouble seeing Hardcastle as something other than the guy who sent people there. You do a wonderful job showing the a relationship just starting to take root. Hardcastle isn't as intransigent as he appears initially (maybe thanks to a little kick in the pants from Frank), and in the end Mark actually volunteers some persuasive reasoning.

This is a great prequel to Mark's explanation of what prison is like in your story 'What Happens in Vegas'.
JeanneZ84 chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
Mark and Milt can always talk about anything,although Mark or Milt really wouldnt have ever thought so in the sure did come to grow in a very nice friendship.

They truly trusted each other and each others opinions at least most of the time.

Another very nice story from one the CD Fanzines.

Keep them cominmg!

owlcroft chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
There are too many things about this story to like, but I'll stick with two. First, the writing's exquisite - lucid, descriptive, eminently readable. Second, you have the judge backing off going after some bad guys just because McCormick asks him to, asks the judge to trust _him_ to decide the issue. There's a lot more going on here, but that's the bottom line and it's so telling.

And, of course, it's always a pleasure to see Lieutenant Harper!