Reviews for Even The Tummy
Tochelle chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
that was really good i was smiling the whole way through! :D
AbsoluteCrazy chapter 1 . 2/19/2008
lol! i remember the first time i saw Tony in S4, i told myself well looks he gain weight on his! and now you wrote something abt it! haha! this really made my season..but it's heartwarming that Michelle put him at ease, sweet, sexy and funny.. and that's very! i miss T/M and its really wonderful that your mind still works even without any latest T/M scenes in the show. but heck who needs more when we can explore all possibilities here :)

good work, keep on writing :)
MichelleBA chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
Lmao, i noticed the tummy but had never seen anyone mention it in a fic (awkward subject) but you did great!
ToothFairy chapter 1 . 2/15/2008
Okay, I think this is my favorite story of yours so far (through it was a close call with 'Ascent' :p ). The way she can so effortlessly perk him up by just saying she'll love him no matter what is really touching. I like how you turned the tables on the cliché storyline where Michelle is the one who's upset and Tony's the one who reassures her. This was definately refreshing, and every bit as sweet... :)

Amazing work!
T-M'SEXUAL chapter 1 . 2/14/2008

hed do it for me every time to

he he he

loved it ! xx
TerriG chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Beautiful! Loved it. Fluff works for me - and I thought he was looking a bit comfortable in S4 anyway!
crazylove06 chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
I love this fic, its really sweet and I love all the playful banter
TheseAreTheDaysWorthLiving chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Oh loved it! Funny and very sweet! Tony's perfect in every shape! lol

"Sexercise" was great... D