Reviews for Falling
Guest chapter 14 . 9/15/2013
Please continue
sandsea chapter 14 . 10/30/2010
I had a similar concept in mind, but crossed it out, all of it, after reading this.

Thankfully, this wonderful fic exists to prevent me from embarrassing the CL fandom on this site.

p.s. Valenwind. YEY.
Sinfully Sadistic chapter 13 . 11/22/2009
Of course, somehow, I missed the big ON HIATUS in the description (guess I got a little excited about your fic...see? A perfectly legit reason for overlooking vital information), and left an obnoxiously long review pretty much begging you to update. I apologize for my idiocy, and my un-observance, but I do still wish for you to pick the story back up and continue it. All other aspects of my previous review do still apply, except, instead of the words 'why haven't you updated?' (or whatever I said that's basically along the same lines), replace them with the words 'why haven't you picked this back up?' okay? Alright. Sorry for taking up so much space with my pointless babbling, but reviews are fun (except mean ones, and I don't do mean _), so I'm sure you'll forgive me. 3

Sinfully Sadistic chapter 14 . 11/22/2009
Oi, oi, oi, why haven't you updated in so long? This is a really good story. It's got a unique plot, with good characterization and proper grammar and spelling (thank GOD for that). Everyone's perfectly in character, and even if things are moving along quickly (and the chapters are a lot shorter than I'm used to), it's still got a good flow to it. Very well-written. So, hopefully, you haven't given up on this baby, and you'll update soon, yeah? Hopefully. Seriously. If ya don't, I'll make you pay the hospital bills I'll rack up when I get an ulcer from the stress of waiting for the next chapter. Now, I'm not sure how you are financially, but hospital bills are nothing to sneeze at. Nnkay? So, if you don't want to dish out quite a bit of money for a complete stranger (and I WILL find you if I do get an ulcer), then you probably want to update. That sound good to you? Good. I look forward to your next chapter! 3

CryingTearsOfBlood chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
You have got to finish this story! I'M BEGGING YOU!*goes down on knees and hugs your legs* PLEASE! I NEED MY CLEONNESS!
Creative Spark chapter 14 . 1/19/2009
Great fic so far! I'll be watching for an update!

KitaraStrife chapter 14 . 9/29/2008
Yeah, you're right. This chapter WAS short. So short, in fact, that I can't even think of anything funny or crazy/insane to type that {cough}POSSIBLY!{coughcough} makes fun of this chapter for this review! I can only say this: OMFG! SEPHY! {tackle-glomps the "voice" that went silent and let the fog begin to roll away}
Shadow Cat17 chapter 14 . 9/28/2008
What a chapter! Can't wait for the next update!
RocketPAPrika chapter 14 . 9/27/2008
awesome chapter, but short XD

Thanks for up-dating, looking forward to the next chapter!
you.broke.a.promise chapter 14 . 9/25/2008

Cute chapter.

I love Zack.
BlueFoxofWater1569 chapter 14 . 9/25/2008
“So let me get this straight,” Zack began, ignoring the fact that Leon was pinching his nose in frustration. “You want me to arrange a meeting with the Organization. The Organization. Organization-fricking-Thirteen.”

Ha ha, that is SO Zack.

Ooh! He's got a wing! Wait...did I miss that? What color is it?

SEPHIROTH! AHH! *runs away*


Vellacora chapter 14 . 9/24/2008
Dum Dum DUM! Climax! Whos in the fog? Is it sephiroth? (Most likly) Xenmas? Or the pizza man that delivered my pizza cold and is planning to do the same to Cloudy! GASP! Epic lol, the badly pimping the state was funny XD

~Wuv the Playfulness*

p.s I was yelling at the man and refused to give him a tip tehee
reeby10 chapter 14 . 9/24/2008
oo suspense! haha cant wait to read more... listen to the owl! :D
Kageshi chapter 14 . 9/24/2008
yes yes we Wisconsinite's have many bad east we dont have that bad of an accent


P.S. Dumb cloud! But what about vinny?
KitaraStrife chapter 13 . 9/9/2008
... WHAT THE ({BEEP!}) IS ZACK DOING THERE! I thought this was a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, not a crossover with FF7! WTF! {eventually gets over the initial shock} Okay... I'm good. Now then... what I think of when someone says the word silver is usually different depending on the situation. If someone just randomly said "Silver" to me right off the bat, I'd probably actually go straight to Kadaj/Sephiroth (or vice-versa XD) before anything else. Hope the next chapter's longer!
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