Reviews for imperfect
HighffelFlower chapter 30 . 3/2
I'm pretty sure that every time Butterfly Kisses is played, Jesus Himself vomits.
HighffelFlower chapter 30 . 3/2
oh god...butterfly kisses? really? you didnt.

yet you did, and I cant unsee it...
HighffelFlower chapter 29 . 3/2
wow kim is becoming a huge bitch. I'm die hard Tomberly, and this fic is so well written...I only get emotionally invested in the really good oneskim dodging the talk with tommy, bringing up her ex thathow convenient-lives in New York and admitting to wanting to hit him up when she gets there ? like tommy doesnt even fucking exist and shes totally playing with his heart ...its cruel!

and trini being all "oh it doesnt matter, cheat on tommy again and again kimberly; it's not like hes drop dead gorgeous, educated and has a heart of gold , hell always be ready to beg you to take him back...

someone needs to slap the shit outta both trini and kim. I love this but hate when authors write kim to be a heartless selfish ho. and tommy has been the only one to compromise this entire time. fuck the poor guy couldnt even enjoy a lap dance when they had just split up!
Guest chapter 34 . 6/23/2018
Do it have another chapter
chellewasson chapter 34 . 3/16/2018
Can you please do a sequel
ToxicWednesday chapter 34 . 9/15/2016
I love this story so much. I can't tell you how many times I have reread this story. It is so beautifully written. It's sad, funny, romantic.. All mixed into one. I seriously hope that we get more stories from you, but I completely understand how motherhood can be physically and mentally draining. You have a fan if you ever decide to come back!
malenita artiz chapter 33 . 3/1/2015
Thank you Emma for sharing a little bit of your life with us, I see you are enjoying your maternity. I married about a year ago and still have no children, your words made me think over about what Im missing and overcome my fears

Please start writing again! I liked your fanfic very much.
malenita artiz chapter 13 . 2/25/2015
I see Chapter 17 has also a name of one of Amy Jos song. I did the same in my fanfic I named one chapter Splashin rain, I love that song, well actually I love most of her songs haha.
Great chapter!

malenita artiz chapter 11 . 2/24/2015
Welcome to my club! Im a huge, huge, huge fan of Amy Jo, she is super talented and of course I have checked out all her songs I love them, I downloaded all of them and purchased Never Broken on the internet last year. Im also trying to get all the films shesrf been in, being in I have Susie Q, Perfect body, Killing Mr Griffin, Fatal trust, Sweetwater, I watched two Power Rangers movies but I couldnt downloaded them yet, and watched Islander and some you tube clips of some others.
So glad to find someone as fan as me. And Im loving your fanfic.
malenita artiz chapter 9 . 2/24/2015
I also stopped watching the show after she left. It wasnt the same without her, although I was really upset by the time, Im glad now that she pursued a career after PR. Anyway it would be amazing that she comes back at lest for the movie.
I watched some episodes with Kat trying to see if there was a sign of Kim coming back but I totally stopped watching it at all after the letter.
I really like your story
malenita artiz chapter 8 . 2/23/2015
Very hilarious when Kim pushed Tommy into the closet. Good chapter!
malenita artiz chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
Love it! Good first chapter
r0mantic at heart chapter 34 . 5/11/2012
I truly loved your story (which explains why I spent the past two days reading it instead of studying for my finals). Though sometimes I just wanted to slap Kim and Tommy to just get it right the first time, I absolutely loved their characters, especially Kim's. I loved the relationship they built, not only with each other, but with the entire ranger gang. I'm so happy I found the story, which I wouldn't have because it's not listed under Kim and Tommy. I know it has been awhile but I really hope you are working on that sequel like you said you would. Congratulations on all the great things that happened in your life and probably have happened since the end of this story. I look forward to reading more from you.
Nathy Lee chapter 32 . 12/22/2011
This is nicely written. chapter 30 . 10/5/2011
Just wanted to say great story! Loving it and oh btw? You totally wrote in my idea for HIM at my own wedding, though I think about dancing to HIM's the Sacrament! Great song pic
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