Reviews for Chasing Cars
Mimomia chapter 4 . 8/11/2017
I love you for this story..I'm full of feelings and my heart is just so damn aaaghhhhhhhhh
Moon6Shadow chapter 4 . 11/22/2012
Monstah-chan chapter 4 . 9/8/2012
O.O illegal substances... *sudden desire to see what they would be like high* Hohgawd his daaaaad! I want to just cry and break stuff! *slams head against wall*

I absolutely lloved this fic. There was drama but not enough that its completely unbelievable. Lovey but not so lovey that it was complete crack AU. Just, one of the most amazing fics ive ever read. Thank you so much.
Monstah-chan chapter 3 . 9/8/2012
I cried, at the part where Mello's mom left him for good. That was heartbreaking. Ive never cried over a fanfiction before and two of your chapters havemade me cry already. You are the most amazing qroter, oh goodness. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS MASTER!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Oh my god, its amazing already. I absolutely cannot wait to read the next chapter. I love how you act like its not sacrilege for Matt to be pissy and sarcastic with Mello. It rarely happens in fanfiction. So thank you. From like the bottom of my heart. SQUEEEEEEMTHAT KISS AT THE END. SO ADORABLE.
talonride chapter 3 . 4/12/2011
To me, this chapter wasn't sad - it was happy. Even if Mello no longer had a mother, he still has Matt. I've had ... parental issues my entire life. Mostly they would ignore me, unless I got anything less than an A in school, but there were multiple instances where my mother simply did not pick me up from after school activities. The entire time I was waiting, I wasn't wishing for better or different parents. I wished for someone who saw me as more than the weird girl who barely had parents. I wanted someone to be like Matt in this part.
Patrickhere chapter 4 . 2/16/2011
This was so lovely made me cry :'( haha Matt doesn't like mello's scar, I think it makes him look badass
Althea Lynn chapter 4 . 11/26/2010
I have no words... this is so beautiful...I think I'm crying but I'm not sure...I hope your friend and her family is better even though it's probably years since it happened but time doesn't always heal everything.
CloudHop chapter 4 . 9/9/2010
Wow, this was a gorgeous story! Really heart wrenching, I'm pretty sure I cried at least once, haha, I'm such a sucker for good fics. Your writing style is great, but I do wish that there were more of your stories that were less hardcore sex. But still, amazing story, keep writing!
Pezlie chapter 4 . 8/21/2010
I really liked this. :3 You did an amazing job. It was sad, and funny at times, but mostly it was real.
MoonlightM4gic chapter 4 . 7/18/2010
This was really good! A great read for a sunday afternoon. :)
The Akuma's Sakura Violin chapter 4 . 6/30/2010
Wow, this is just beautiful, really beutiful.

I know you like long review and all, but that's pretty much all I can think.

It's just that it's just so... sweet!

It actually made me cry, hehe... *wipes tear*

I absolutely adore Matt, and Matt x Mello (Mello's cool when he's had his chocolate, if not, I don't think I wanna meet him if he's got a gun around...) And this was just a really nice fic to read

Keep up the good work!
Fading to oblivion chapter 4 . 6/20/2010
That was beautiful... really beautiful. I can really understand Mello's pain, but Matt comforts him so well. You had me believing that this was actually what happened to Mello and Matty :D (I mean the parents and stuff).

Interesting choice of song, one of my favorites. And the last chapter... words can't describe.
RhymingWithSilver chapter 4 . 3/29/2010
love it :D

great choice of song. interesting parental twist.

amazing word use and amazing everything.

very fluffy, in an angsty kinda way.

and cute. very very very very very cute.

keep it up xD
YaoiObession101 chapter 4 . 3/25/2010
The final chapter of Chasing Cars; And just forget the world? :

oh dear...I'm on the brink of tears here...I must say I love this story well beyond any other I've read by you...its simply beautiful a heartthrob of a story that makes you smile, cry, gasp, laugh and think. YOu fall in love with the pairing all over again...I know I did. But something bothers me the worse in the ending...I know what happens in the anime/manga and it saddens me totally. But in the end of your story in reference to the anime/manga that they both well TT die...In your story Matt's thoughts say something about "I can feel the cancer starting" Does this mean he's gone and realized he's in love, finally concluding he's happy and is accepting he's gonna die? So sad TT as I read the last 5 lines of this chapter and my jaw dropped...Literally screaming inside, "NO!"
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