Reviews for Lost
NoirXheart chapter 6 . 10/5/2009
RAAR! This was amzing! I love it! The crimps were amazing!
swisstony chapter 2 . 8/17/2008
Lol this is well funny and sweet: D

Great combo: )

Jahouley...yea: )

This is greatness: D
Maddiecake chapter 5 . 6/29/2008
I like that you throw in little crimps in your chapters, they're always so fun to read... xD
LDNatalie chapter 6 . 5/25/2008
I thought I had reviewed this already.

I LOVE it, its so beautiful. One of my all-time favourites.
redlaces chapter 6 . 4/15/2008
I really liked that story, I thought it was well written and liked the pace - slow building tension rather than jumping straight in with the smut :)
chugirl2526 chapter 6 . 3/7/2008
Yay lovely sweet chapter nearly a foot long hey? ;)
violence4 chapter 6 . 3/7/2008
*makes incoherent happy squealing sounds*

that... was... so... HOT.

your description was INCREDIBLE... really sexy...

i loved the bit about Howard waking up from the dream... *sighs*

and they went back to the oasis...

the bit in the water, jesus christ... wow.


and very sweet at the end!

they're there for a week? god, they have got stamina!

hehe i hope you do write more

i want them to have sex in the water ;)

Beechwood0708 chapter 6 . 3/7/2008
Wow, this was so beautiful. Beautiful and hot too. I really like the way you've made he sex more to do with the dynamic of the relationship than the physical act- it makes it a lot more meaningful, and fits in with the romantic themes of the rest of the story as well. And of course it was just graphic enought to get me going. And Vince still acting like himself as a merman was lovely, and his wicked pride in his dolphin-penis was very funny in an odd sort of way. Great description too, I really love the second paragraph in particular. This is an amazing story. I hope you do write more, but if I have to wait for it, I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Btw, where do you usually write smut? Are you on LJ?

luv ya

brokenmoonlight chapter 6 . 3/7/2008
Oh, that was... gorgeous, simply stunning.

Howard's dream, where he finally gets Vince, was so beautifully descriptive, and then when it merged into real life, it was hot and passionate and tender - everything it should be. It was very well written - very tense, but it wasn't over-the-top and I never once thought that it was a bit too much, so well done! I loved how Vince woke Howard up, very cheeky and a bit risky, but so like him, i think.

I'm so glad they went back to the oasis, and the bit with the heart shaped fruit and stone was very touching and fit in perfectly. I like how you had them take the time to explore and get to know each other - I reckon Howard really would be one of those people who, once they'd started, wouldn't want to stop. It's always the quiet ones...

Naboo was lovely too, taking them to the oasis on his carpet and making sure they had everything they needed - he's a softy at heart!

I've been addicted to this story, so if you did decide to add to it, or indeed start a new one, I'd be very happy!

Love ya!

chugirl2526 chapter 5 . 3/4/2008
wow loads of crimping in this chapter best way to make to people you love be with you- fake illness lol. great chapter :)
SparkieSchteff chapter 5 . 3/4/2008
That was rather sweet and cheeky of Vince x) But he does always get his way in the end :)

And I found this 'Howard was absolutely rigid, all but the part of him that should be rigid.' amusing xD

brokenmoonlight chapter 5 . 3/4/2008
That was adorable, and cheeky Vince was very entertaining. I loved the playing up of his fake illness, and Howard's awkwardness was well put across too - I could feel him holding himself back.

I wish I could write crimps - you do it brilliantly!

violence4 chapter 5 . 3/3/2008
yay! so glad you updated!

and i have to say i hope it does get more explicit, haha.

mind you, the sexual tension in this was BRILLIANT... *shivers* lol.

and the image of them crimping in bed is so hilarious.

as was all the gap year stuff... the crocodile!

bless Howard being so scared... aw.

update soon? i want them to... well, i'm sure you can imagine P

Beechwood0708 chapter 5 . 3/3/2008
Awh! This was just the cutest thing ever. The anecdotes and the banter were perfect- completely believable, and just plain Booshy. And feigning illness seems such a Vince thing to do. I love the way Howard knows all the little things he wants, and his concern is lovely. Plus, it makes Vince's frustration at his refusal to acknowledge the bigger picture more understandable. The snuggling was just plain cute, and the crimps were brilliant. Just brilliant. Love this so much.

luv ya

chugirl2526 chapter 4 . 2/26/2008
wow, vince as a mer-man sounds so cool :) i'm so loving this story
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