Reviews for And So It Begins Again
kathyoberbeck chapter 10 . 2/16/2017
Who wouldn't steal a kiss from Jack if they could?! Don't blame Martha one bit!
Brose1001 chapter 45 . 5/15/2014
Good story, will it ever be continued? Probably not, since the last update was in 2008, just thought I would ask.
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 45 . 2/12/2014
I have done nothing else last night - all and well into the this morning - reading this story - it's bloody brilliant! The anguish and turmoil, both mental and physical that Ianto endured and survived was just incredible, and I adore this new Jack. Thank you so much for putting Gwen Cooper in her place - I admit a guilty pleasure to having enjoyed those bits! I also liked learning about he Astorians, how on Earth did you come up with the cold bit and whatnot - fascinating!

The part I didn't like, the par that really disturbs me is that you abandoned the story in mid-stride! Does Gwen come back, how does the Doctor take the Astorian away, is he able to solve their planetary problems? There's so much potential left unfulfilled here!

You've done a truly brilliant job writing this story and it deserves to be finished - you deserve to finish it! I absolutely love it!
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
I have to admit that seeing Ianto roll out of bed and land in an untidy rumpled heap on the floor is quite the mental picture, one that's giving me some rather lovely giggles - thank you!
aBlue Gillespian chapter 27 . 12/21/2012
Ok I've read this story from the beginning although I might admit some of the scenes are a bit too romantic and mushy for me. But generally hit on some good points. I enjoy your writing style. But usually don't have time to review, however reading this chapter, I felt the need to warn you to make more research when you write something specific as drugs, especially when you mention the name of the used drug. Cocaine affects your sleep strongly to the point of being impossible to fall asleep sometime for days. Unless you are using it everyday for a long time and the body becomes resilient to the drug. Something which would contradict you scene when Ianto falls a sleep peacefully. Hope you don't mind me pointing that out.
wizardinpyjamas chapter 45 . 8/18/2012
oh my gosh I am loving this story but where is the next chapter? I NEED the next chapter!
Guest chapter 10 . 7/17/2012
what did martha do wrong in A Day In The Death? D:
Fai Gensou chapter 41 . 4/27/2012
ROTL You forgot about #4!
betweenlife chapter 45 . 12/30/2011
This has been an amazing read! Thanks so much! :)
Enarra chapter 28 . 9/12/2011
First, I suppose I should say that I really like this so far It generally makes me warm and fuzzy inside. I realize that it's probably long abandoned, but still.

That wasn't really the point, though. I. I haven't finished this chapter yet. I keep having to stop. I. Can't actually put this into the correct words.

I realize that this is fanfiction and Ianto's issues are the result of an alien drug and sympathizing with his condition is utterly ridiculous. But some of his specific mental and physical reactions were written in such a way that I felt like I was reliving some of my bad days. And then I had to stop reading to keep from having a panic attack, or being jealous because the fictional character has someone to take care of him and I don't.

And obvious 'alien issues' is not the same as neurological lyme disease. And I suppose you were going for more general manic depression mixed in with the unique circumstances. And. I don't know.

I just. It was really well written. Not all of this fic, much of which is silly and sappy (not that I mind that) and out of character. So maybe the fact that the neurological issues were so incredibly, painfully spot on came as a bit of a shock. But.

I just thought you should know that it was really well done, and that is appreciated. Or at least well done up until the involuntary muscle movements with the kettle and Ianto's reaction to this, which was so spot on that I had to stop reading.

Hopefully I'll find the courage to keep going. I'm sure there will be some fluff waiting for me if I do, which might be just the thing to keep the world going.
bananacupcakes chapter 45 . 7/18/2010
Please update soon :)
DeliaDee chapter 44 . 5/4/2010
You're a big fat meanie of a fanfiction writer for teasing us all with the promise of "one hell of a part six" and then abandoning the story half way through part 5 (crosses arms, pouts, and glares at the carpet). You could always just go straight from the middle of part 5 to the beginning of part 6. Like when Pam woke up and found Bobby in the shower on "Dallas" (aw crap, now I've given up the fact that I'm an ancient relic). You could call it "The Part That Never Was."
SLNS chapter 45 . 11/24/2009
I really have enjoyed this story. I hope you will continue it. I love the relationship between Jack and Ianto and how they've become friends with the Doctor and Donna. I love Donna.

The only criticism I would have is Ianto believing that Gwen's so important to the team. IMHO she's the only one they could do without. Her self-absorbtion and "all about me" attitude gives the lie that she is "the heart of Torchwood".
Megwyn chapter 45 . 9/2/2009
I started reading this story yesterday afternoon, when I found myself completely unable to sleep last night I spent all night reading. I have really enjoyed the story so far, I have yet to be dissapointed with any of your work. I am looking forward to seeing how this story ends. :)
silentjellyfish chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
Hey, I just read this story in one go! It's brilliant and i love how your characters interact! Will there be further chapters? *hopes*!
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