Reviews for Kurosaki Shindererra
YokaiAngel chapter 33 . 11/14/2017
love it~
otakuficwriter chapter 2 . 4/17/2016
AU Alternative Universe
Sakura Chara chapter 33 . 1/2/2016
Panda-Angel-Wings chapter 33 . 5/22/2015
Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. You're writing hasproved a lot and your details are..well... Detailed. He he.
You make me really hate Rukia in the beginning, even though she is one of my favorite Bleach characters. With the first mention of electricity crackling when she hugged Ichigo, I knew there was something off about her. I though that she was a witch that had taken control of Ichigo, which to some extent was true.
I loved watching Karin and Toshiro's relationship grow. When he first kissed her in the public square, I was like O.O I was so surprised. I did not expect that at all. Their relationship really blossomed into a beautiful relationship. At times I did feel that it was excessive, but they are a young married couple who had been away from each other for a long time, so it was understandable.
I really like Ichigo and Rukia's meeting despite their marriage being rushed because of the whole fiasco with Rukia being possessed by a ghost thing.
As for part two, what can I say? You described the trench warfare very well, except for poison gas, which you didn't mention, I think. The nurse station part was also well written making Karin disguise herself as a nurse was a great idea.
The final battle between Aizen and Hitsugaya was short and simple. I like that it dragon too much. I mean they were fighting with real swords, not Zanpakutos. You made it all realistic
Concludingly, this was a great story, despite some parts being a little rushed. I thoroughly enjoyed this story very very much.
I feel a sense of emptiness at the end of this story. In certain parts, I was dancing for joy, in others, my hearted ached for the characters.
Again, I thank you for writing such a great story and sharing it with the Bleach fandom.
P. the longest time I didn't get what the heck Shinderrera was...and then i realized that it was Cinderella. XD
Smudgster chapter 7 . 3/20/2015
i used to really love rukia, but now i kind of hate her.:(
girl.az2001 chapter 33 . 1/27/2015
bueno aunque la historia no fue muy acaramelada no esta mal me gusto
Dalamin Sahara chapter 33 . 10/5/2014
I really liked your story. All love, all drama, every feelings you were able to convey through your story.
sha5aditto chapter 33 . 1/10/2014
Ally97 chapter 33 . 9/29/2013
Loved it
Guest chapter 11 . 9/9/2013
Lol. I like this, its very cute and very funny! And im not sure if you got the name Kaito from vocaloid or not but thats what I immediately thought of when I saw it. And if you did get it from there then I bet you planned to post it on Miku's birthday. ;-) But again nice story.
Hayface chapter 33 . 7/11/2013
That is obe of the most epic cinderella stories ever. Its so sad amd touching! Did i mention you are one of the best writers ever!? Your writing technique is absolutely magnificent!
Brickbrain the retarted seal chapter 9 . 2/28/2013
ICHIGO! *Walks up to him and grabs him by his ear* Now you're coming with me young man! I ain't going to let you ruin any more moments of fluffy lovely things between these two! *Drags him away*

Love this fic so much! You just keep having me on edge! :D
sha5aditto chapter 7 . 2/25/2013
I LOVE SIBLING LOVE IN STORIES! (if ya know what i mean)
Elisablackcat chapter 6 . 2/13/2013
i love how rukia is so getting the cold shoulder XD nice work
SolarTyger chapter 33 . 12/31/2012
Gr8 story! Put it on my favs!
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