Reviews for Busted
MissTayy chapter 3 . 9/9/2010
this was CUTE! aw :)

i loved gotens POV, ha it was funny it made me laugh :D

really cute, love the way you wrote it, except it could probably use spaces inbetween paragraphs i was a little over whelmed, and lemme guess you have some country in you ;)

lol awesome story
Niu chapter 3 . 2/18/2009
I loved it! Really loved! I laughed a lot of Goten, even more of Trunks' reaction to his Nan'gra, by the way, it was a very good idea. I really hope you write more for the fan-verse, it's very well done and written, so involving!

Thanks for this wonderful story!

Jack V. Briefs chapter 3 . 6/30/2008
Awesome job with this! It has been a long time since I've been able to find a Truten that is not only well written, but has an interesting plot, good characterization, and can produce a unique, interesting dynamic between Trunks and Goten as a couple. I really enjoyed reading this! It was funny, sweet, sometimes sexy ;) Twenty awesome points!

daughteralucard chapter 3 . 4/19/2008
0.o ouch..
Jayn chapter 3 . 4/18/2008
Totally thought that was cute! You have a flair for writing the adorable! Goten's pov was great. Please continue writing such great stuff! *Grins*
Android-2217 chapter 3 . 4/12/2008
hm... i like the idea of the "saiyan tattoo"

it makes me want one... O-o

good job!
Oriminally chapter 3 . 4/10/2008
*drools* I have waited so long at it was worth it.

“and you’d see a T entwined with the customary V on the Seal. It’s there ‘cause your name is not Vegeta, like all the previous Princes, but Trunks Vegeta. And it’s purple instead of crimson ‘cause your hair is. I had to go and get a Royal decree from Vegeta, a friggin’ Royal decree, to modify the Seal so that it would suit you, and you don’t even notice!”

Trunks blinks.

Trunks needs to get a tattoo, he was completely oblivious to Goten's intentions.

As if Chibi would ever think to belong to Vegeta...

X.X Nice ending, I'm going to miss this.

daughteralucard chapter 2 . 3/16/2008
omfg i have to no what it is!
Oriminally chapter 2 . 3/15/2008
It makes me purr — a full-fledged I’ve-got-the-cream kitty purr, a sound no teenager should be able to make.

*starts laughing hard*

Wow Necchan I love you! You are the best! And now a three-shot? *bows at your feet* I can't wait for it!

I was thinking of a number of things Goten could have done down there...

And...I stopped because my ideas gave me hotflashes...I can't wait till the grand...'unveiling'

Android-2217 chapter 2 . 3/15/2008
I'm so confused! D:

Did he get a tattoo?
Android-2217 chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
heey... this is Android22 from the Truten Forum.

So... I am confused on what he is going to do.. O.o
torib0o chapter 1 . 3/9/2008
This is a good start to what's sure to be a great story; hope you continue it.
Oriminally chapter 1 . 2/20/2008
You're too brilliant! You're subtle humor is amazing I found my self laughing too loud. I always knew ChiChi would be the one to break out those 'Fabio' novels on those lonely nights.

You're so articulate and you're writing style is refreshing- kissing ass aside you rock!

Please continue!

~With Respect and Gratitude
