Reviews for Now and Forever
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 35 . 11/9/2012
By the way, House has never been cruel and intentionally hurtful to fact, he has always treated her with more respect than she ever has him.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 31 . 11/9/2012
Micheal is a prick. House is right, he is being treated like the 'bad guy' and it was Marianne who did the 'wrong' thing. For House to be blamed is just stupid. Course Cameron was enjoying the fact that House was being treated badly so she deserved everything that House dished out to her...not to mention everything he said was TRUE. The double standards that EVERYONE holds is's like House is not allowed to be 'human' with flaws and feelings...he reacted EXACTLY like any normal person would put in that position.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 28 . 11/9/2012
Wilson is so fickle...he tells House that he would NOT be anyone's first choice for a father (which is a crappy thing to say to your FRIEND by the way), then wonders WHY House isn't an optimist? GAWD I hate Wilson.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 24 . 11/9/2012
Yeah, House's life would have been different...probably better. For sure Marianne would NOT have allowed Cuddy to mutilate him during his coma...sorry, couldn't resist the dig on Cuddy...heehee.
BabalooBlue chapter 58 . 11/9/2012
Just started reading this story and even though it's old and complete, I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying this! Very well structured and planned and not out of character for House at all - love it!
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 2 . 11/7/2012
No one should ever be 'smarter' than House...that was the problem throughout the entire Season 7...hopefully this moves in the direction that most of your other stories go so that I can enjoy it...hint hint...ha
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 4 . 7/21/2012
since when has anyone been smarter than House?
Stampiej chapter 73 . 4/15/2012
Loved it!

This is really good. Somewhere I was wishing for another baby which isn't realistic, but just some bliss:)

keep up the good work!
clp66 chapter 73 . 4/10/2011
I saw your new story and noted that it was a sequel, so I went to find this one before I started the new one. I really enjoyed this story, I loved the way you started the story and then went back to the past to tell how Greg and Marianne started together and then back forward. This was a great story and I look forward to reading the sequel.
Brighid45 chapter 73 . 4/5/2011
Great end to a great story! I thoroughly enjoyed this fic, and am looking forward to the sequel on the way. Thanks so much for posting this, and thanks for creating a great OC for House! Well done Laniki :)
Brighid45 chapter 72 . 4/5/2011
What a great way to celebrate House's fiftieth! Nicely done, and here's hoping the patient recovered from whatever had her hurting . . . all over. :D
Brighid45 chapter 71 . 4/5/2011
Finally, House has found out what it's like to love and be loved. Not always easy, but always worth it. Brianna is adorable and she'll have grandpa teaching her the ropes in no time. Love this.
Brighid45 chapter 70 . 4/5/2011
Well I happen to know there IS a sequel, but I'll finish out these last chapters here before moving on. Thanks for posting the epilogue, can't get enough of this excellent story!
Brighid45 chapter 68 . 4/5/2011
Leave it to House to pull a fast one, but all to make Marianne's day as special as possible. Great chapter!
Brighid45 chapter 67 . 4/5/2011
Finally, the air's cleared with House's parents. And Marianne made her point-she and House are equals in their relationship. Excellent chapter.
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