Reviews for Neville the Chamberlain
Guest chapter 6 . 2/25
RavenLilyRose chapter 6 . 7/13/2019
This is absolutely amazing!
Anonymousme chapter 6 . 12/1/2018
Ahh, the grand finale. How on Earth did you ever write this without dying of laughter? This was a good one and the new letter style was nice as well. And it was a good story with humor that fits perfectly just like your other stories, except I think that this focuses more on humor. I love your stories.
Anonymousme chapter 4 . 12/1/2018
Hello, it's me again, rereading this for the third or fourth time, I think. The first time I read this I didn't get the 'Nancy' thing but after reading 'Black Dwarfs, Blue River' I understand. I wonder what Peter would say if he found out about the whole Nancy thing...
anonymousme chapter 6 . 10/24/2018
GREAT GOLDEN FRITH ON THE HILLS, LION'S MANE, SAINTS AND ANCESTORS! THIS WAS SO INSANELY FUNNY! I LOVED THIS! ps see if u can match which exclamation to which book or movie: Watership Down (the book), Prisoner of Ice and Snow, Chronicles of Narnia (book series), and Mulan (Disney version). (i reccomend all these and also doubt that any1 will get all of it for certain and not deduction). good luck. :) :D
AslanDaughter chapter 6 . 3/2/2017
So amazingly funny.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/18/2016
Neville/You There is hilarious and so very sweet. Bizmy provides nice contrast to his naivety and often voices what we are all thinking. Overall, a very good story and the reference to Black Dwarfs, Blue River and King Nancy had me in stitches. Poor kings and queens of Narnia. Neville (the) Chamberlain was also a very clever reference.
Quihi chapter 6 . 3/17/2015
:D adorable!
The ending is so cute and perfect with Neville becoming the chamberlain.

I also thought Bizmy's comments throughout were very amusing.
shadowphantomness chapter 6 . 3/16/2013
Brilliant! I laughed all the way through the rest of the chapters. First, Peter had to deal with the laughing Kookaburra, which he did not find at all amusing, and then there was Susan with the sloth that might be dead, and Edmund with the giant mouse lemur who fell asleep in Court and also the Black Dwarfs. Nancy indeed, hehehe... Poor Peter! And of course, Lucy's volunteers... I suppose that the collie wouldn't have been so bad but trying to herd sheep! Oh! And then Sloughbit the marsh-wiggle! I didn't even know that a marsh-wiggle would come to court... and of course, Ambergriet the skunk! I am glad that Neville finally got assigned the position of chamberlain!
shadowphantomness chapter 2 . 3/15/2013
Oh, Neville... I also enjoy all of the sarcastic comments that Bizmy makes, especially the one about Aslan preserving Queen Susan.

I think King Peter must have been embarrassed or possibly sick from so many sausages, because his face turned reddish and he said, 'I'll find someone, Ed. How hard can it be?'

Yes, sausages! I liked the part where he said that the queens smelled like flowers and the kings smelled like sausages even though I was surprised to find that Lucy had red hair so I suppose that this is based on the movie and not the books where Lucy is blonde.
shadowphantomness chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
I can't remember if I reviewed this story so I shall take the opportunity to do so now. This was one of the funniest stories I have ever read, and from what I have observed, Narnia fandom tends to be pretty angsty when it's not badly written romance. Skeepomeep is one of the most entertaining characters I have ever seen, while Neville the Hyena plays foil to a wonderful hilt. I loved the part where Meep shaved him bald by accident and Neville was hired for being 'cool under fire'.
Rose Unspindle chapter 1 . 3/13/2013
I think this is the first story of yours I ever read. _ Still wonderful and hilarious.

I've been clearing out my favorites, I have over 2000 of them, and it's amazing how many stories that were wonderful at thirteen or even sixteen, are sad and lackluster at thankfully are still as good now as when I first read them. _ I new I was keeping this one but decided to reread it anyway as it's one of my favorite Narnia stories. _
MCH chapter 6 . 1/7/2013
Great fun thanks you.
Account Deactivated-Deleted chapter 6 . 10/24/2012
This was just amazing. All those chamberlains were hilarious. My favorite chapter was of Ambergriet. That was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing. Bizzy/Bizmy's sarcastic remarks were also great. Meep's stunt with his sword and the incident with Oreius' tail made me laugh so much. Really good work!

The Four of Narnia chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
Oh my gosh, I can hardly breathe! This story is so amazingly funny!
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