Reviews for Ab Aeterno
ascendedlight chapter 8 . 4/13/2016
i love this so much omg 3 light is L's angel awww 3 i also like how you put a little bit of their past and the happenings on Wammy's House (i hve a thing for that place XD). and even though B is a psychopath, i cant help but still love his character here xD i hope u continue updating this soon c:
notapieceofcake chapter 8 . 4/4/2014
Waahhh! Poor L! It must've been so freaky for him!...Maybe if he had controlled himself and hadn't been cold to B, things would've been better: B wouldn't have felt that he needs to (rape) own him etc...Damn! Poor L!...
notapieceofcake chapter 7 . 4/4/2014
Woa...B is terrifying... I just hope Light and L make it out unscathed..i can't help but feel that it was stupid of Light to not tell L about his "proxy"...didn't he feel something off about the guy saying that?
notapieceofcake chapter 6 . 4/4/2014
Hdhfhfh! Yaayyyy! L bby rocks! This was adorable I ! I was kinda annoyed at Light for losing his patience with L XD ..but otherwise i loved it! My baby's making progress! Thats all that matters!
notapieceofcake chapter 5 . 4/3/2014
Woa...I love how you showed Bs crazyness even in the way he thinks..Damn..Poor L! .. I LOVED the significance of the nightmare and the Angel/Demon symbolism!
Its hilarious seeing Light crave for attention but not recieve itXD
notapieceofcake chapter 4 . 3/26/2014
Ohhh! Thank gawwdd! Only L can be this strong! I was surprised (pleasantly) that he let Light stay while he was being bandaged and didn't protest when he asked to bandage him! This is beautiful! L is on his way to recovery! Amazing!
notapieceofcake chapter 3 . 3/26/2014
...BB truly is disgusting. Worse than an animal. How dare he treat someone like that? L like that?! Stupid murderer... I'm just glad L is alive... situations like this, one does wonder if death would've been better for the victim...?...Anyway. I hope that Watari and Light manage to heal Lawliet...But I'm scared! Beyond said he's gonna come again! What will happen then?
notapieceofcake chapter 2 . 3/25/2014
I suspected B would've raped L...but my poor baby...I didn't know hed be so badly affected
notapieceofcake chapter 1 . 3/25/2014
OHH! hciuhuis! Beautiful AE! Sooo interesting hcuyshucy! poor L! how'd he end up in the hospitaaalll?
crazy reviewer chapter 8 . 3/25/2014
Hey,are u dead or somethn? If u are alive,then kindly update..although its certainly doubtfull... However, YOU MADE A FLAW! You see,i find it highly unlikely for someone like Light to not immediately suspect that the mysterious proxy dude talking to him was in fact B... Light already knows enough to recognize B at first sight or at least suspect him to be so and not do chit-chats about the case with him. And he wud never ever in his right mind wud even think about trusting or recieving help from someone that suspicious..he is,after all, not a genius for no reason. You know what i mean?...
Guest chapter 8 . 9/1/2013
hehehe i am so in love with this!
you gotta update! pleeeease!
firerose132 chapter 8 . 7/10/2013
aww why are all your stories unfinished ? :(
AkiKasuke chapter 8 . 6/30/2012
This is so amazing and beautiful the I could cry!
pokemaster101 chapter 8 . 6/12/2012
Makes me wonder about L's reaction to B knowing his real name...

Is Light going to know that he was Kira?

Pleeeeaaasssse update! Eru-chan shouldn't be afraid...

...I actually like B. He IS awesome. But he can be a b****, like what he did to Eru-chan...

Keep it up! 8DDDDD
carla chapter 8 . 2/1/2012
This story is so addicting. Im glad I run by it when looking for something to read. Unfortunetly this amazing story hasn't been updated but still you deserves compliments.
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