Reviews for The amalgamation of Apathy
FattySkeleton chapter 2 . 1/7/2011
yes. . . just . . .YES!

I had to repress my giggles so i won't wake up the house and pulledd a muscle in my throat.

you almost killed me, but what a way to go.
Horser01 chapter 6 . 9/24/2010
Lol! I love this story! It's hilarious! Poor Cafei... You can't blame her for being hyper when there's not that much to do, but then, I'd probably find her annoying if I was stuck in the same ship with her too! Lol! Will there be another chapter? I'd like there to be...
Lin16 chapter 6 . 2/20/2010
This is such a fun complimentary story to Jux.
D. Mischief chapter 6 . 2/11/2010
OH PLEASE! tell me you are going to continue with this story? I love the chapters coming out from the story this one is based on but at the same time this one is fantastic
chaitea16 chapter 2 . 12/7/2009
I needed a good laugh and damn did this give it to me. Cafei's infamous rant on several bots probably had me giggling just as much as you wrote them to be. Though for longer, but only cause i don't have a pissy medic looming over my shoulder.

I re-read Jux not too long ago, so stumbling upon this story is a real treat and quite satisfying.

Looking forward to the trouble you make them get into next
ArmoredSoul chapter 2 . 12/6/2008
Again, I find myself laughing so hard I need to use the facilities.

ArmoredSoul chapter 1 . 12/6/2008
Laughing too hard.

Can't breathe.


Cafei chapter 6 . 10/14/2008
Oh man! I had no idea you updated until a friend told me!

This is your best chapter yet, I especially loved the mechs standing around wondering what the hell they were there for. Again, excellent update!
Elita One chapter 6 . 8/24/2008
i thought i reviewed for this, apparently not

this was a fantastic chapter

I had so much fun reading it, sure brings back memories of Elementary school, I loved playing dodge ball
Dragowolf chapter 6 . 8/24/2008
OH this was great! Mech Dodge ball! That would have been great to see!

And Cafei is so random... I love it! She really keeps you on your toes! But I have to say this... it is a damn good thing that Sideswipe is in Evelyn and not Cafei... if he were in her... oh lord the choas and mayham they would cause... would be wonderful to watch from a safe distance but being near it or a part of it... down right scary.

Great job! Wonderful story! I cann't wait for more!
jazztransformsme chapter 6 . 8/21/2008
LOL! Great job!
Murder Junkie chapter 6 . 8/18/2008
I always hated gym... but dodge ball was one of the few things that made it near bearable. *sighs* Ah, school... Such a wonderful experience. *laughs* It's not often you see someone punished for winning! But Cafei is a bad winner, it seems. Back in the cube for her!

Another highly enjoyable episode of interspecies relations! And don't forget; Though many great comedians have left this world, their works will live on in our hearts and on our interwebs.
Demon's Rose chapter 6 . 8/18/2008
THAT would be the best game of Dodgeball EVER! I would so pay to see this. Although I wish Gears hadn't be there to ruin it, even if it was only a little. And the idea of adding more balls as the game progressed only makes it that much more difficult but so much more amazing! Yay for Jazz winning, even though it took it out of him. I don't think anyone else could've beat him (save for maybe Prowl or Prime).

Uh-oh, Cafei is in trouble now. What's the punishment this time? XD
Jason M. Lee chapter 6 . 8/18/2008
And back to the box she goes! XD

Ah, I played a slightly different version in elementary and middle school, but "get hit equals out" was the same rule. Two teams and one ball, one team encircling the other and just throw the sucker. I usually lasted midway through the game. Though I did get hit in the chest one in middle school when we used a sorta soft-cover soccer ball - couldn't breathe for a while.
blood shifter chapter 6 . 8/18/2008
hehehe. that was awesome. i love dodgeball. i was like cafei. always the last one out. awesome chapter. update soon please.
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