Reviews for There's No Place Like the OZ
tin-a-holic chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
Okay I have not been able to get this story out of my mind. Its soooooooo amazing. I mean we have the nome king, we need to visit the keeper again, maybe even for a way home ;) ;) I mean will dee be able to defeat dg or the witch, will we find out who this dg character is. Will out new hero have to kiss dee passionately to get her to trust him, does he have a past with dg as well, will dee take elliot home, will she even be able to get home, what if she cant will she be able to start a new life with her new hero- who by the way I love him re imagined, will she have a life in this dimension to finally be able to go back will she take her new hero home with her expanding her threesome into a foursome, will she ever see wyatt ambrose again? Ooo this is sooo good i love it so much! Thank you for sharing and please keep being creative!
tin-a-holic chapter 9 . 11/13/2015
Oh man oh man oh man! I was supposed to be I bed like threehours ago, and I was falling asleep and was like yeah okay let me just peak at chapter two. Chapter one was all cutesie wootsie and I was like man I dont think I can handle an a story where dg/ dee shares and that is dripping with cute but this is amazing. I hate myself for starting it so late at night, I should have known. All of the twists and the characters, and the reinvention I mean seriously your amazing, and I kinda hate you cuz I want so much more right now its not even funny. Fyi I know I have been griping about the sharing but I did find your love scenes in your other story amazing as well, just being candid. Damn im so worked up, this story is phenomenal. Kudos I cant wait for more. One day im going to have my mind blown when this is updated, seriously too freaking good!
tin-a-holic chapter 6 . 11/13/2015
Okay my silly ass had a hard time sharing and chapter oneofthis sequel was hard to swallow for me personally, but you write so well and you have effectively Blew My MInd! This soft au in your au is so freaking brilliant, I mean shut up! I cant wait to find out about more backstory on dg, zero oh and please tell me we see cain soon. God is he a bad ass, oh adora still around the mystic man, and why did dg want to release thee witch. Oh sweet freaking baby jesus I mean ozma so freaking goooooooood!
KLCtheBookWorm chapter 9 . 2/27/2012
Holy shit a new chapter!

And Wyatt is dead, ouch. Well, I suppose it is better than an evil mirror universe of Cain running around.

I'm still here reading, so I hope you keep writing. :D
Miller0259 chapter 9 . 2/13/2012
oh em gee. I just read this and Dark Storm in the past day and a half, and I must say, MADE OF WIN. Dark Storm was magnificent in many ways (as were your Author notes relating to baby tears - made me laugh EVERY TIME. As if the story wasn't enough to intrigue me, your personality made me pause and think: this person is soooo freaking fantabulous, in sooo many ways...) In short, I love what you've done with Tin Man, and I cannot WAIT to see what you come up with next. Even if it takes more years to finish this story, I will totally be there until the end. DeeDee has GOT to get back to the best threesome ever.

I love how this sequel is introducing entirely new relationships, and dynamics for DeeDee to work with, and I hope your muse sticks with you for a long time on this story line so we can see what happens next. Good luck, and happy writing!
Raptured Dreams chapter 9 . 2/8/2012
Oh my goodness, you updated! Yay! That made me extremely happy when I saw this in my inbox, haha. And yup, knew it, you landed them smack-dab in the lake. It's funnier that way :)

Heh. Shoes. Of course.

I like how you put in some more background on the Ozian versions of the characters we know and love. Poor Raw, though. And oh no! Cain is dead? That is so sad... but I guess it can be considered a good thing. At least he wasn't an a-hole in this dimension, and at least she doesn't have to suffer through meeting another not-husband who possibly hated her, as well. That might have just killed her, no matter how much she told herself it wasn't her Cain.

Can't wait for the next update! I'm still excited to see how this turns out, especially with the journey just beginning.

toodles :)

Raptured Dreams chapter 8 . 2/7/2012
Please please please update this story! I quite enjoy it and I really would like to read more and see just how DeeDee will get through this latest adventure, especially with a new crew in tow, with a child to boot.

Also: it's kinda weird seeing Zero as a good guy, lol, but it seems interesting so far. We've already met (and said goodbye to) Ambrose/Glitch, sad day :(, but when will we meet Raw and most importantly Cain? What's he gonna be like?

As you can see, I'm highly intrigued and bouncing off my seat in anticipation so please please please update soon! Even if it's something just to tide us over while you think, something is better than nothing!

Waiting for more patiently :)


purropolisprincess chapter 8 . 11/23/2011
I really like this and look forward to more! You writing is always quite enjoyable, fun, spunky, and with a good plot.
purropolisprincess chapter 8 . 11/23/2011
I really like this and look forward to more! You writing is always quite enjoyable, fun, spunky, and with a good plot.
serenitylove07 chapter 8 . 3/20/2011
This hasn't been updated in years now but oh gods do I want more. Its completely captured me and, of course, I'm wondering what diabolical character Alterna-Cain will be here!
Dreamingdreams chapter 8 . 12/7/2010
Oh come on a cliffy. Please more did they land in the lake? I hope that you post then next part soon. I really want to know what happens next.
Helen chapter 8 . 4/18/2010
Hello. I've read the previous story to this one and greatly enjoyed it. This one looks to be coming along just as nicely - so please continue it!

Dreamsprite5 chapter 8 . 3/12/2010
Oh dear falling into the middle of a lake with a picnic basket of food is probably not the best thing. Some many questions that need to be answered, is Elliot the one who pulled DeeDee into his reality or was it something else? If Zero is Cain, what's bizzaro Cain going to be like? How did the witch manage to escape from DeeDee reality, if she actually escaped at all? and the list goes on. Hm I know that it's been roughly a year since you've updated this story but hopefully you'll pick it back up at some point. Definitely going on my story Alert list.
kxkaos chapter 8 . 2/12/2010
I love love love what you've done to Tin Man. The previous story to this and this sequel are amazing, I just hope you've not given up on this.
Ravenclaw Samurai chapter 8 . 2/8/2010
Oh please please continue! Your version of Tin Man is wonderful and I'd love to see how DeeDee gets through this new turn of events. Things feel crazy complicated but that just means more excitement and adventure! Please continue! You're probaly busy with Ever Wonder, and although I adore that story, this story is also a keeper and it would terrible if it was left and forgotten.

More please! XD
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