Reviews for Dino Thunder: A Shade of Green
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 20 . 8/4
I never thought there would be a Ranger being shrunk. They should have called this The Incredible Shrinking Ranger. Also the monster, Shrigger? I only guessed he was not part of the show. A creature part Tiger, part fish, and part fly? Got to be a chimera. With shrinking abilities? Sounds like something out of an anime show! I would hate to see this guy in Sailor Moon. I looked up the name shrigger. It came up as a future descendant of the clown triggerfish
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 19 . 8/3
The Shield of Triumph. A legendary weapon. Connor was destined for this being the Red Ranger. He now has Triassic power. But what other powers does the Red Ranger have in store?
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 18 . 7/31
At last! Trent is good again! He now has control over the white Dino gem. He will be the newest addition to the team as the White Ranger. Being the newest addition to the team, he starts off to clean the Zords. The copyotter? I never did like that creature when he was copying their weapons.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 17 . 7/30
Not a problem. It's kind of my thing being a Critic. And just to let you know, Elsa made a big mistake burying Connor's twin. I don't think he liked that one bit. I wouldn't either if someone buried one of my brothers in a sandpit or something.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 16 . 7/30
Super Sentai. That franchise was the inspiration for the Power Ranger franchise we know today! That makes Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the first show of its kind to air in America. What they're looking at is Revolution and it's best. The Rangers featured on TV were the inspiration for the Dino Thunder Rangers. The moral of greed affecting the world? I've heard that greed is the seed of War. One of the seven deadly sins. There are other deadly sins that might start most wars. Wrath is just one of them.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 15 . 7/30
Speaking of Random, I never thought Fossilador would Breathe smoke. Not many dinosaurs would do that, especially Undead ones with mind control. I don't eat duck, if that's what you're thinking. I've always been more of a chicken guy. Who even eats duck anyway? I usually feed them some bread or so when I'm at the park. But because of this pandemic, I can't leave my home. Not without a mask. The Duckysaurus Megazord? That's a new edition if I ever saw it.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 14 . 7/29
Speaking of reviews, Insectolite? You didn't honestly think he was going to reform Trent? That's not how it's going to work. If I learned anything from the Power Rangers franchise before, it's that it's to expect the unexpected. Turns out Anton Mercer is really Mesogog. We got fire going off at both ends. I believe that means setting betrayal and anger to both sides. The first is the Rangers, and the second is Mesogog himself. The White Ranger seems to only serve himself.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 13 . 7/26
Uh oh, it looks like Tommy is permanently morphed. He can't power down! The recessive personality traits they have were unique. I think Kaylee had the worst of it all.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 12 . 7/26
Sounds like Trent has a lot of trouble with the white gem. It's going to take Connor a while to live with another Ranger. One way or another, they are going to have to find a way to break him from the control.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 11 . 7/24
Trent is definitely the White Ranger. Won't be long until the others find out. By the way, colors don't make the hero or villain! Did you hear what Connor said?! "Good guys should not wear white". Boulderdash! I've known some superheroes and some other Heroes who wore White. Emma Frost wore White, Captain Rex from Star Wars the Clone Wars had white, and Spider-Gwen, boy did she ever wear white! There are lots of good guys who wear white! It symbolizes light! Why do you think Samurai Jack had a white gi?! He was trained to use the light for cover!
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 10 . 7/24
Looks like they're in some serious trouble. The White Ranger now has his own Zord. Surely, they could figure out a way out of this Jurassic jumble. Grippleshank? That guy sounds like a toxic monster. But he pales in comparison to the real life creatures the Rangers have to deal with.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 9 . 7/23
You know what's a mistake? That pointing out an evil White Ranger. First there was an evil Green Ranger and now there's an evil White Ranger. Colors don't make the villain, personalities do. Trent doesn't even know what he is. One way or another, he has to break out of that white ranger dark side. Three Days Grace? I hardly ever remember that band. Was that line from one of their songs? And I don't care what puns they put in there. As long as it's a good punchline.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 8 . 7/21
At last! Kaylee now has her own Zord. The spinosaurus will make an excellent addition to the team.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 7 . 7/21
Looks like we got a new ship with Connor and Kira. I'll also be looking forward to the Spinosaurus. Trent is about to discover what's behind the shadow of his father.
Omar Garcia Jr chapter 6 . 7/18
Donkeyvac had hit the road. And Kylee was safe. I'm glad things are made up now
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