Reviews for Trust Me
Xale Crest chapter 1 . 4/2/2018
Your fanfic will definitely want me to look for more pellxrobin story... Love the interaction between this pair. Hope u write more about them
YumiDoesTheMacarena chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
Not really a pairing I had ever thought of before (for obvious reasons). But, hey, this is awesome! And very well-written, and interesting, and amusing. I do love the way he keeps interrupting his own thoughts and the forging onwards. It—his tenacity—is charming and the way you wrote it gives the sense of really being in his head at the moment.
Miqila chapter 1 . 10/9/2011
Now THERES a pairing I had never heard of.
Katapi chapter 1 . 4/23/2009

Thank you for this ultra cute and delicious fanfic, which is somehow the one and only fanfiction for this pairing I could find... Usually I'm more into yaoi, but since my Pell-Cosplay I'm on a trip and I just could not find ANY stories for this pairing...


It's really good. I love it. This thoughts in the middle of the sentences are very cool and I just couldn't stop giggling, when I started to imagine Chaka as an inner warning voice xD

Well, but enough jabbering now...

*always think I'm saying too much in comments'

I love it! Keep up the good work!
Solo Loco Ellingson-Rose chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
Kya~! Adorable last line! I normally don't like pairings such as Robin/Pell, but that was REALLY cute. Hell, you could probably even make Arlong/Sanji cute. xD
robin-chwan chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
wow the last line was magic!
tobi-chan66 chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
i like, i like!
robin-chan chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
wow! remarcable fic! i never even thought of these two as a couple before but you definetly convinced me!
printfogey chapter 1 . 3/19/2008
It’s something so awesome when two characters you wouldn’t have thought would want anything to do with one another again can be written so well together, not just in meaningful interaction but even as a possible couple. There’s almost something magical about it.

When I first started to read this fic – not the whole of it but about a third – I thought Pell perceived Robin’s remorse as sincere a bit too quickly: I thought his old memory of Miss Allsunday at the Rain Fort would stop him from reading her that way. Frankly, I wasn’t even sure myself she wasn’t faking it, even though objectively I ought to be (as a manga reader and all). However, when I read the whole thing from the beginning again, more slowly, I changed my mind on this. Having paid better attention to each word, Pell’s perceptions and reactions all seem credible now, and the way he seems so helplessly torn between different intentions/drives/emotions is quite affecting.

I think the allusions to Pell’s own troubled past help, too, making him seem less rigorously always-righteous and thus less distant to Robin. And most particularly the lines about the importance of having someone trust in you came through really well. That could have looked like cliché but wasn’t. Also, Robin’s apparent advantage at the beginning (at least in Pell’s eyes) is changed into equilibrium between the two towards the end (at least in mine).

Lesson for me: remember to pay better attention when reading in the future. ;) Thank you for writing and sharing.
Nehszriah chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
*snickers* That was amazingly silly. I just couldn't stop laughing. Thank you. _