Reviews for Regrets
SYF chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
a short and warm for it.
Bonniechu chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
No, it's not my Raist!In this story he looks like a philanthropist!
Darren's Wings chapter 1 . 5/11/2008

That's really sweet

Yeah, sometimes Caramon and Raistlin can be hard to write...You mostly kept in character, but there was a little OOC'ness. All in all, I think you did really well :)

I love how it was so short, but that's all it needed..

Favourited, because it's beautiful...would you like some constructive criticism?

Mithral Rose chapter 1 . 3/29/2008
Raistlin is a very hard charicter to write about, but I think you did good at getting him mostly in charicter. One thing though, in the prequel, Soul Forge, Raistlin and Caramon promised to never again speek of what had happened during the test. N E Way, Very good, kind of short but I liked it! (and on the summery you sould warn about the spoiler) :)