Reviews for Mr Pickwick and the Briggins Family
FancyFreeThinker101 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
The child with the cannibalistic bent. The variation of Pickwick's noble name. You, friend, have made my day, and I thank ye kindly. This was excellent!
Fiona Fargazer chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
Ha,ha! Very amusing! I enjoyed reading this!
ScroogeMcDuck chapter 1 . 5/11/2008
I myself have never read 'The Pickwick Papers', but after reading this fanfic I now wish to do so! P I love the character of Mr. Pickwick, and his interaction with the boy at the beginning was most amusing! Your characterization of the modern family Briggins was spot on; I too enjoyed Pickwick's interaction with the wii! XD

Thank you for uploading such a fine peice of work; it was a pleasure to read and it shal be added to my favourite stories pronto.

Margo Duncan chapter 1 . 3/29/2008
Hats off to you! I was pleased enough to find a fic for The Pickwick Papers, let alone to find one of such magnificent quality! I have not enjoyed a fic as much in quite a bit of time - I do love a story that makes me laugh aloud, as yours did. Your characterizations were spot-on, and while I was thoroughly amused by the sharp contrast between poor Mr. Pickwick and our twentieth-century hoodlums, I heartily adore the way our good sir handled himself around them. Absolute perfection! Thank you so much for sharing!