Reviews for Caseylicious
KathPetrova.Diary chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
That song was so funny i just se it in front of me hihihi
PinkRangerV chapter 1 . 8/12/2008
OMG-leave Casey alone! He's cute! (huggles poor Casey) Look what you made him do! Even if it *is* funny...
aznboi85 chapter 1 . 4/4/2008
First of all, the title is hilarious! The little jab about the red ranger always getting the girl was amusing! Lol! Sky and his damn SPD Hamdbook! Haha, Andros referred to Casey as a "nice little kitty". I like how that was a play off his feline animal spirit. Ah, so RJ/Fran and Casey/Lily? I love it! Especially the Casey/Lily part! "Casey began to sing and it scared the red rangers to no end." ROTFL! Shane wanting to put Casey's performance on YouTube was very funny! Haha, and Mack's response was priceless. PPV! I loved the "I'm the T to the I, G the E the R" part of Casey's theme song! Haha, Eric's line, "I bet he'll stop if I pull the fire alarm" cracked me up! Hehe. That was great how they said Casey was in but asked him never to sing his theme song again. Lol! I liked how you inserted yourself, no scratch that, someone who looked uncannily like you into your fic. Nice touch. Rocky couldn't help pocketing some candy. Hehe. Wow, this had me laughing from beginning to end. Where do you come up with this stuff? It's beyond great! Thanks so much for writing this.
yellow power chapter 1 . 4/4/2008
Loved it!
M.L. Shards chapter 1 . 4/2/2008
Mack turned around and Casey saw that there was a girl who looked uncannily like the author of this fanfiction clinging to him. Mack looked miserable. “She’s been stalking me for over a year now. She even followed me to Peru. Rose is getting irritated.”

That made my day right there :D
Psycho Tangerine chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
Great, now I've got images of Casey dancing to that tune. Best line was the one with Nick calling Madison a Ok, this is going into my c2.
anyabar1987 chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
wow that was interesting.

"I'm being hazed" haha

when red rangers get together it is a given that chaos ensues. i wonder how many braincells it kills to be a red ranger
soareagle chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
lol! pretty good, but as for theme songs being reserved for the 'Technicolor' ranger, haven't you forgotten about 'Go Gold Ranger'?
Destiny45 chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
Very funny, scary and also slightly disturbing.
JuseaPeterson chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
That was funny. I love how you mention the red rangers and bring in things about them.

Casey coming up with his own theme song, LOL, hilarious.

Then him and Lily dancing...

You did an awesome job with this.
CathyD chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
OMG THAT WAS GREAT! LOL Another great Red Ranger ficcy. Loved it! They just keep getting better and better. and YAY Casey/Lily! LOL

Keep the crack!fics coming! :D

New Warrior of Fire chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
LOL. That was the best Red Ranger initation fic ever! This was my fave line:

“It says here that no matter how good of a leader he is, how pretty his girlfriend is or how rich his daddy is that no red ranger is allowed to have a theme song. It’s reserved for the one and only Technicolor ranger.”

And thank you for warning the world about the dangers of hazing. I've been on the wrong end of hazing, and the concequences were painful and lasting.
Green Gallant chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
Wow, Holy Hell that story was hilarious and retarded at the same time. But in a good way. hahaha. Seriously that fic was hilarious, I wasnt sure if I wanted to read it at first. But I love your protrayal of Lily and the guys. Dont forget Jason had a theme song too when he was the Gold Ranger. And of course, I remember both of Tommy's theme songs. I dont know, the little comment about TJ sounded a little racist. But other that it was a good fic, I can imagine the guys being mortified by Casey's little song and dance. But seriously Fergalicious? And the mention about Lily and Fran sitting on her bed...dont they sleep in hammocks? hahahaha. Well anyway like I said before, its a good story and I recommend anyone that reads this, read the story you will not be disappointed. BTW, did you see the new episode tonight?

I see you carried over the fire gag from your other Red Ranger fic. I'm still looking forward to that Thriller fic we talked about, if you get around to it. Anyway thanks for posting this, it was really good for a laugh. Hope you had a great Easter.

Green Gallant.