Reviews for Come to Love a Rose
Anne chapter 5 . 8/8/2017
Very well-written. I daresay it is too much to hope for that you will finish this, but thanks for sharing.
waterytart chapter 5 . 4/25/2017
Almost 10 years I guess I can't hope for any more, but for what it's worth, I would have liked to see where this was going!
tselea chapter 5 . 1/28/2017
Your writing has just the flair and flavor of Miss Austen's. So well written!
Shortie McBealle chapter 5 . 11/17/2016
Love this story I wish there were more Northanger fics out there and I hope you continue this little gem.
Lady Francesca Pendragon chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
I absolutely loved this! I have read the first chapter and I thought it was great; the dialogue was in character, and you imitated Austen's language admirably, not only at the beginning but throughout the chapter. I have actually imagined a sort of scene like this before and it was great to read a Fanfiction about it! I found the end of the chapter really exciting I love it when Henry says "I perfectly understand you, Sir. Now rightly understand me. Catherine Morland will be your daughter-in-law if she will accept my hand."
ElvishKiwis Venerated Ancestor chapter 5 . 2/15/2013
Oh I see what you did, You told the rest of the dinner account with the interesting Mr Gordon retrospectively. That is a good device. It prevents the tedium of a word for word account and skips neatly to what we are all wondering which is:
Is Catherine immune to him?

I like the way you have given Mr Moreland personality in these chapters. His constant digs about Novels and very endearing, and I think the commonly held opinion that young ladies are attracted to men who resemble their Fathers (or are the opposite to their Fathers if they had bad ones), is confirmed here. There is less playfulness and wit in Mr M as there is in Henry, but there is the same love of teasing, and quick assessments of others foibles.

I am sure Eleanor will be quite delighted with her letter, and quick to reply to it.
Poor Henry on the other hand is going to have to give a lot of thought to HIS reply.
I wonder what those ladies are about... I bet they are 'throwing their bonnets' at him. After all a young, almost handsome gentleman clergyman must be considered fair pickings for all the young ladies of the parish. These ones must be rather forward however to come visiting without their Mama.

I noticed that it has been about 3 years since you updated this story. Please don't say you have abandoned it. I would be very sorry to see someone with your talent for Regency fiction, not to complete this.
ElvishKiwis Venerated Ancestor chapter 4 . 2/14/2013
As usual I am charmed by your grasp of Regency vocabulary and the upper middleclass culture of that time period.
This would have to be my favourite line:
"Catherine watched her friend remove from her and reflected that there were few ways in which Mr. Doyle could have made Mr. Gordon more attractive to his daughters than to forbid them to speak to him."
I can just picture JA writing this at her little desk with a secret smile hovering about her lips!
Are you aware of the big chunk of encrypted typeset information at the bottom of this chapter? I guess it would have been a mistake in transferring from your word file to the one use.
I did feel that this chapter ended rather abruptly. Is it possible that some of your writing could have been lost when it was loaded on the the document manager?

It does seem a little like a set up doesn't it? Catherine being left to walk in with Mr Gordon and then when she is rescued from that fate at the last minute (one can't really give Mrs Allen the credit for it), being placed directly opposite him.

Penny and Anne do not seem like the kind of girls I would like to call friends either. No wonder Catherine was vulnerable to Isabella Thorpe. At least Isabella is not spiteful or aloof. And how could Catherine be blamed for not recognising a deceptive mercenary when she had such blunt acquaintances.
Thank God that she and Eleanor will have each other from now on. I am sure from Eleanors point of view anyway, Catherine was a real answer to prayer.
ElvishKiwis Venerated Ancestor chapter 3 . 9/10/2012
This is a perfect ending:
" Catherine watched him go in an agony of uncertainty that would do credit to any lovelorn heroine. When would she ever see him again? She returned to the house and could find nothing else would do but to flee to her room and cry."
It perfectly depicts the emotional slough following such heights of ecstasy as she has just experienced, and it also continues the whole satire of a young women's addiction to Gothic novels and the excessive emotion which derives from such a diet.

I really like the way Henry describes his Father in this line:
" he is a strong man, stronger in resentment than in affection"
It is a very pithy description and quite accurate.

Catherine is learning that her wildest dreams do not necessarily bring the felicity she anticipated...
ElvishKiwis Venerated Ancestor chapter 2 . 9/5/2012
This line made me chuckle:
..."where he was seen by an alarming number of children who were playing in the yard of the house. Surely not all these children were Miss Morland's siblings!"
As the mother of 8 children, I find Jane Austen's wry comments about big families very applicable. My favourite being a reference to Mrs Price (Fanny's mother) "who suffered from a superfluity of children." Isn't that gorgeous?!

This line was sweet and SO Catherine:
"Oh, why could she not think of something more sensible to say? Her powers of communication had deserted her the moment he asked to speak frankly; nay, they had been severely impaired since she had seen him approach the house."
It used to annoy me that JA always skipped the genuine proposals even though she delighted in recording every ridiculous and embarrassing detail of the failed ones. I think it is precisely because of the confusion and ecstacy that Catherine is suffering from here. It is almost like she wishes to give her heroines some privacy with their most beloved ones to enjoy that moment with all it's emotion alone.
She also seems to do it with her anger scenes, for example we see the effect of General Tilney's harshness on his family but we are never subjected to the details. It is a very British Middle class female way to write. I believe she regards her readers as she would honoured guests in her home, or even close friends. She would never want to expose us to the embarrassment of witnessing strong emotion.
This is a problem in my own story as I want to explore the nature of anger and emotional abuse in General and Mrs Tilney's marriage and home life. I have no example to follow from JA but I have found the writings of her contemporaries especially Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte, very helpful. I recommend "The Tale of Two Cities" particularly Mr and Mrs Cruncher. Very funny and yet depict the tragedy of a culture where women had no voice that their husband did not grant them.

My only complaint about this chapter is that you did not attempt to write "Henry talking at random" at the Allen's house. For someone who has such a command of the English language, that must have been quite a conversation...
ElvishKiwis Venerated Ancestor chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
Very well written.
I am impressed and delighted with this story. I especially love the fact that Henry is completely out of his comfort zone in his defiance of his Father:
"Henry himself, though certain in his rectitude and knowing himself better at every moment, felt keenly the lifetime of habit, spent as a younger son, dependant even for the living at Woodston upon his father's generosity; letting Frederick, his father's heir, play the part of the defiant while he took the role of peacemaker and protector to his younger sister. He was out of practice with rebellion."
This is SUCH an important point to make, and you do it so eloquently.

Eleanor is also very well depicted. The way we see her at Bath, without her Father's presence is so different to here, but that is precisely the contrast Austen wanted us to believe. I can well imagine this shrinking cowering Eleanor, who is forced to observe her beloved brother attacking the lion in it's lair:
"Henry fixed a hard gaze upon her. "What says the general?" he asked.
Eleanor also took a chair, but looked miserably at her hands in her lap. "I cannot tell you," she said. "I have not had the courage to speak to him. I must spend today preparing for the journey into Herefordshire."
Henry saw then that bearding the lion must be his office. His young sister could not be expected, even on behalf of her friend, to question closely the father who was her support and provider; even, too much of the time, her only companion."
This is so brilliantly done.
I am very happy to discover such authentically Austenian writing on this fandom.
I hope to post my own NA fic once it gets back from the Beta Readers. It is my goal also to create something as like to Jane Austen's style, language and values as possible.
Mirka chapter 5 . 1/31/2011
An extremely well written story! I love it! It would be great if you found the time to update it again :))
ptetssagirl chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
I must say, from the very first word you had my attention. It is a captivating chapter and I can't wait until I read the rest of what you have written. Well done.
cutecanuck chapter 5 . 10/5/2010
so, uh...were you gonna write more? there's so little northanger fanfiction, and even less that is actually worth reading, that it's a shame for one of those few to be left incomplete like this.

OnlyAtNight chapter 5 . 10/10/2009
What a delightful story this is! I look forward to reading the rest of it in due course.
Love-RiniBell-Love chapter 5 . 9/28/2009
I would like to read more if possible. Please update soon.
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