Reviews for A Kid for a Wife?
Happy lucky chapter 7 . 4/20/2015
I think " kaname" would be a great girl name for a maid
xtianicole chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
One word. Plagiarized.
LookingForLostHope chapter 6 . 11/28/2009
please hurry and update a new chapter! this is so good!
LookingForLostHope chapter 7 . 6/11/2009
hi i think this is a great fanfic its funny ramance and grama all put together thanks for putting such a great fanfic for everyone to read
luna cherFer chapter 7 . 11/25/2008
i like how the story progresses, i sort of, even felt how mikan felt..the angst, the hurt and the glint in her eyes for revenge..and poor natsume (tsk, tsk..)

for the name that you were asking though, would "suzuki" be fine..hehe,

do update really soon! i like the story very much!

teteng03 chapter 3 . 10/12/2008
hi! i dont wanna be mean to u i just wanna ask..

dont u have ur own name? why use others then?

and why dont u use ur 'imagination' to actually write ur own fanfic story.. that way u wont need to steal from others. i really think you're unfair, how do u think the real heart yngrid would feel. Its not that im angry at u or anything but i really love that author and her books, its kinda dissapointing to see someone impersonate her and re-write her novels with wrong grammars.
teteng03 chapter 2 . 10/12/2008
hi! i dont wanna be mean to u i just wanna ask..

dont u have ur own name? why use others then?

and why dont u use ur 'imagination' to actually write ur own fanfic story.. that way u wont need to steal from others. i really think you're unfair, how do u think the real heart yngrid would feel. Its not that im angry at u or anything but i really love that author and her books, its kinda dissapointing to see someone impersonate her and re-write her novels with wrong grammars.
riku031296 chapter 7 . 9/3/2008
Nadeshiiko chapter 7 . 8/9/2008
Why don't you use names from the original gakuen alice like luna or hotaru or ruka? It would keep ppl less confused.
riku031296 chapter 6 . 7/24/2008
i love this one!

please continue

i cant give any critism cos i love it!
Palmrose chapter 1 . 6/15/2008
Hi, Leejat. I'm also a big fan of Heart Yngrid. Actually, I know her personally. She's a very good writer and she has a good command of English. It's really unfair that someone is using her penname as well as her published stories, "A Kid For A Wife." I have read the original version of this story and I'm telling you, guys, it is much much better than this translated one.
leejat chapter 1 . 6/14/2008
Im just wondering if Hart Yngrid is somewhat related to my fave Heart Yngrid of PHR. If so, thanks a lot for posting this story! I truly love your A KID FOR A WIFE and your Fanfiction version of it is quite impressive as well...
aimiera chapter 6 . 4/20/2008
continue, please.

But i am sorry.. i can't give the name you want
angelakawaii chapter 6 . 4/20/2008
hahaha 2 strong personalities you got there...quite nice..well who will win this deal?

just be aware of your tenses...uupdate soon
FallenRaindrops chapter 7 . 4/19/2008
Ah! Found your fic today and it sure is interesting! Love it! As for a name... old maid... Sasami, Haru, Hana, Risa, etc. Dunno. Just random names.
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