Reviews for Ask Us Interactive Fanfiction
DeeplyStained chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
I'm so sorry about your fish and your mustache is awesome sauce! and the Beatles rock! :D and does anyone like Stu and Pete the original members? :) I love George! on Question. Lucy: in your stand against war don't you feel bad that your rebellion caused Jude to get physically hurt?
DeeplyStained chapter 9 . 9/10/2012
Lucy you really need to back thefuck off so what if Jude slept with other girls before he Knew you you don't own him
DeeplyStained chapter 8 . 9/10/2012
what did Max whisper in your ear? Le sexy thoughts? ;)

ok here's a deep question.

I love The Beatles. there so deep and
probably the most fluetual and best music out there. opinions? and I love your music to Sadie though you basically just sing Beatles :) oh ad
everyone again what is your opinion on now a days music?
DeeplyStained chapter 7 . 9/10/2012
no offense Lucy but don't be such a bitch. I love you but why would you glare at Jude for saying he thought his old girlfriend was pretty? I love ya girl hit seriously
DeeplyStained chapter 6 . 9/10/2012
Lucy! how could
you want to adopt
not have children of
your own with Jude! Judy I sorry for you
DeeplyStained chapter 5 . 9/10/2012
ah Jude I'll send you 20x kisses! don't worry Lucy he's yours the only reason I didn't do that before is because of you but your so hot Jude ;)
DeeplyStained chapter 4 . 9/10/2012
lol Max couldn't get any with Prud ;)

Who's your favourite Beatle? (Everyone) I
personally like the original bass player Stu Sutcliffe
DeeplyStained chapter 3 . 9/10/2012
lol love underwater...

Since I'm not a pervert... well yes I am, but I will not as about sex! ...maybe. ;) so Jude didnt you feel bad at all for practically ignorin your girlfriend when you met Lucy? Lucy's amazing but didn't you feel any remorse?
DeeplyStained chapter 2 . 9/10/2012
lol Jude's getting some. ok here's mine.

So you guys are pretty cool I guess but what do you think of the legendary Beatles?
LyssaInTheSky chapter 10 . 2/9/2011
1st: I love this fic so much!

2nd: Hugs and kisses to everyone. More to Jojo and Jude because Jojo is a friggin EPIC guitar player and Jude has a very sexy accent.

3rd: This is for everyone. Which celebrity do you admire the most? And no Max, you can't say yourself.

Love, Lyssa (beatlemaniacnumerouno)
Doudliedou chapter 10 . 11/22/2009
Oh Darling! I hope this story is still running ! Because this is really funny! :D

Well, and i have a few questions too!

Max - Do you really think that Happiness is a Warm Gun?

Judey - Blondes or Brunettes? ;)

Lucey - If women were authorized to go to war in your time, would you have accompagnied your brother?

Well! That's all of it! I'm longing to read more of this story! AND i need to say that no one is sexy like Jojo. Not even Jude or Max. Love you Jojo. (And Sadie too! And Pru too! And Max & Jude and Lucy ... Did i forgot someone? Humm... MISSY ... yup ... i kinda like you too! :P)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox kisses to all!
linzhatterxx chapter 10 . 8/14/2009

I'm loving this, its making me giggle like mad. x] But anyway.

Kisses and a million other naughty things to Max (I don't care if everyone else is doing it, we have good reason to ;]), a kiss and a hug to Prudence (dude, I effin' love you. Marry me. :]) and a smack in the face to Jude. Sorry dude, but I think you're a bit of a douche bag. I mean, I understand why you said some of the shit you said to Lucy, but come on. Ya just don't do that. :P Now that I've gotten THAT out of my system, I'll ask my question. :]

Prudence - Would you ever go back to Ohio? I could make it worth your while. ;] Hehe.

I'll give Max a couple more kisses, since I feel bad for my question being Prudence related and not for him. x]

Good Lord, this turned out to be long... haha.

with love,

cuthuluextreame chapter 10 . 6/27/2009
uh, I dunno if you're still doing this but... oh well.

first of all Max... I'm gunna be diffrent and just offer to get high with you (and you can just hope I'm afectionate when high... honestly I'm not sure lol):D

and Jude... sorry Lucy, I can't help it LOTS OF KISSES TO YOU... and then I'll hug Lucy apolgetically :]

OKAY questions... Max, Weed or Sex

Jude, art or Lucy

and Jojo, guitar or Sadie

(haha, I love tough questions...)


more kisses for Jude... and another hug for Lucy.

I'M SORRY I can't resist someone who's both cute AND sexy!
Sparrowlight chapter 10 . 2/2/2009
i love the new chapter! thanx so much for asking my question!

first of all, kisses to Jude (again), and hugs to everyone else! ok, so my questions are:

#1)Jude- during the strawberry fields forever scene, where did you get all of the strawberries? there just seemed to be so many.

#2)Lucy- what was going through your mind when you saw Paco and his friends or colleagues (or whatever they were) making the bomb?

so, yeah! Love Y'all! you all rock

kaleidoscope soap chapter 6 . 1/31/2009
Max. I have to say this: You are the hottest, wittiest, most amazing person ever to exist. EVER.

Okay, this goes to Max: Are you willing to trek up to 96th and Columbus avenue to see me?


Oh, Lucy and Pru: Have any of you been jealous of Sadie's hair? (Way to go, Sadie! Nice locks)
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