Reviews for The Nice Day
Avindara Nirvene chapter 1 . 4/7/2008
Very pretty - love all the awesome adjectives ;) Amazing imagery, loved it!

SharkiesGirl chapter 1 . 4/3/2008
Aw! That was beautiful! Just amazing! It has honestly left me speechless! That was WOW! Your imagery was so well detailed and so pretty :) . That is exactly what I wanted to see in response to this challenge - better than what I wanted. Thanks heaps for participating. All of your descriptions were so gorgeous, so perfect, so terrific. And this whole piece was crafted really well and resembles a masterpiece! It is very inspiring!



Cuban Sombrero Gal chapter 1 . 4/3/2008
I was wondering who this was, but I should have realised when I read this, because it was really good, like everything you write. My favourite line is definitely the last, because it's so poignant.