Reviews for Better Living Through Alchemy
Peter Haan chapter 24 . 10/24/2019
This is the 4th or 6th time I have read this story. It makes me happy
Thank you!
Peter Haan
Guest chapter 23 . 6/19/2018
Guest chapter 24 . 1/9/2017
Oh my god! this was so amazing! this was even better then part one! (if thats possible)

i loved the story!

i loved how you made Ed more adult, but still kept his childish side.

i loved the dialog, especially between Ed and Roy.

and i loved how every characters STAYED in characters! so many fics do flip-flops between emotions just to help the story alone, but you had an amazing story and didn't have to make the characters happy..then sad..then over dramatic, like so many other fics, you are a brilliant writer! and all your characters had just the right amount emotion in just the right moment!

i loved the ending to this part :3

but i HATE bad endings! XC so im going to start reading part 3 now, i hope after reading (and loving) part 1, and after reading (and loving even more) part 2, that it comes to a nice happy ending!

i really can't say enough good things about this fic...but honestly..if this fic was made into an anime, it would be my FAVORITE anime! yes! even more then the real FMA anime! (which i never thought anything could come close...i pretty much live for FMA)

i wonder whats up with Roys eye :O im off to read part 3! i hope its just as amazing as the first 2 parts! ...and..please..please let it have a happy ending :[

amamae chapter 7 . 7/28/2015
I really enjoy this story but I also get kind of irritated, simply because I feel that Ed is treated kind of badly. The only time good things are said about him are in reference to alchemy, and even then, unless it is his kids, it's followed with how bad his attitude is. I get that he is stand-offish and rude, but he really is not that selfish. Also, I think he is the only one I have seen apologize to anyone else, even when they wrong him. Like in this chapter, Ed apologizes to Al, and even though we know Al feels a little bad for how he treated Ed (and only the armor side of himself felt that way), he only says that "it's okay" to Ed's apology. He doesn't apologize himself for completely going off on him. Roy does that as well. When Roy blew up in the first story and completely laid into Ed for being a kid, that was awful! And a great part of the story, but I wanted Roy to tell Ed he was sorry for saying those things when they met again later. Instead, Ed apologized which I thought was both mature and ridiculous. Someone just yelled at all the things wrong with you, and Roy did feel bad about it, but never explicitly told Ed that he was in the wrong. But they just had sex instead. Which was also great, but I truly think that Ed is not being told properly that he isn't the only one making mistakes. This would only make him feel less of a good person, when he already has poor self-esteem. So, because everyone else treats him like he's got an awful personality (with only a very small amount of fondness for that personality) and he is the only one showing any guilt over arguments, he would feel like he is the just a bad person. I hope that you don't take this to mean that I don't like your story, I actually lost a lot of sleep over it last night and I think it is rather good, but I wanted to share how I feel about the characters. Maybe this is just how I see things, and I get defensive easily for the main character. Either way, this is how I feel and I still think your story is really great. Thanks.
yuichichan17 chapter 24 . 3/1/2015
I really love your story. No matter how many times I read this and reread it again, it's still beautiful. I just hope that you'll continue to write another chapter for Life after Truth too.
solsere chapter 24 . 8/30/2014
Your writing is so fantastic and mature- your characterizations so complex and perfect and realistic. You have this genius skill of being able to combine drama, angst, romance, and humor in absolutely unforgettable ways. As with your other fics, you make me laugh and then cry and then do both at the same time. (I had to get a stack of tissues in preparation!)
You do so many things right, but I have to say, one of my favorites is how you've developed Ed's character and steps to maturity. Absolutely amazing and so impressive to see this kind of growth.

I've favorited this fic only to find out that it's already on my favorites and I haven't read FMA fic in years - I hope that shows you how timeless your storytelling skills are! I am sure I will never get tired - and I will likely come back again and again.

Seriously amazing - there is so much to learn and love from your skills!
Aryaelfkin chapter 24 . 9/14/2013
I love it so much. This universe of Roy and Ed. This is my thrid (or is it fourth) time reading it and I still can't help but love it. It's so real and gritty and wonderful that I wish it was part of the real manga and anime... but it's okay I guess since it's here instead and I can read and reread it and soak myself in this beautifully crafted story.
lluviabrillante chapter 22 . 12/13/2012
You have such a way with words. Everything you write comes across as well thought out, meaningul, fits in perfectly with the other parts of the story, fits the characters very well and is believable. I love how you write humor. There has been many an occasion while reading that I will suddenly burst out laughing and literally not be able to help myself from doing the same when I think about it later, such as colonel spanky. I know, that was in part 1, my brain isn't properly working to recall one of the many similar moments of this story aka part 2, but holy mother of god that will remain one of the funniest things I have ever read, adorable little drunk Ed doing his colonel spanky impression for Al. Even now when I think of it too much I almost can't control myself. You write so realistically and meaningfully. I can feel the emotions along with the characters. Even during the most delicious, hot sex scenes nothing is gratuitous. Their current situatons are well reflected by their actions and words and each thing no matter how small is purposeful. Not that I have a problem with pwp fics, it's just that this story is very much not pwp and you can tell. I look forward to part 3 and have been following some stories on your livejournal as well. Please keep writing and thank you for the truly wonderful stories.
Nvey chapter 24 . 7/27/2012
:-) Loved it! from Neeve
rabid kuma chapter 5 . 7/10/2012
"NO, I didn't mean it," Ed cried, "I'm sorry; please ignore everything I say between now and the time you let me cum! I deserve verbal amnesty because you're torturing me!" - I laughed so hard I fucking cried at that.

"he 'raspberried' gently against Edward's balls." - laughter and more tears with this line. Seriously. I love you. Forever and ever.
Beater with a Brain chapter 24 . 1/29/2012
Hello Skydark,

I have to say that this is the longest fanfiction I have ever read. I read "The Adventures of Roy Mustang:Sex Ed Teacher" and immediately started reading this one. These two stories have dominated all of my free time for the past two weeks and I have finally come to the end of this one. Both of the stories are going on my favorites page as soon as I finish sending you this message.

I came across your story right off the back of finishing the entire manga series in the span of a few days and just needing to get some Roy/Ed that was mature and lengthy. The original story was nothing like what I expected from the title but what it turned out to be was fucking amazing. I was immediately drawn to the characterization of Ed, since so few people can do him justice, the flow and style of writing, and of course, the excellent way you write an intense yaoi scene, which again so few people can do justice to.

The question that is now brought up is whether or not I shall go ahead and read the third story in this series. Naturally my first response is, in the words of Roy Mustang, 'Is that a trick question?' But alas, I see that it does not have a complete label and that you have not added anything to the story in almost a year. I want more, but do I want it bad enough to read nearly 50,000 words into a story that may have never been and may never be completed? Shit, I think I actually do. Okay, going over there now, just wanted you to know you are amazing in case I have to send you a pitiful message later.

Amazing work, and congratulations on getting the first and second anime/manga stories onto my favs list,

~Beater with a Brain
anon chapter 24 . 2/7/2011
I loved this story - Adventures of Roy Mustang and Better Living through Alchemy. I loved how you incorporated all the characters, their wonderful personalities, and all the "drama" wasn't "save the world" type but of things more realistic (i loved the beard-arguement).

Overall, a brilliant story, awsome chemistry between the characters and great characterization. I will be back to read more of your stories, as you deserve every bit of praise I could think of to give you.

This is my first time sending a message to a writer about their fanfiction - I feel bad about that, but I suck at critiqueing.

Keep writing please!

From: a RoyxEd Fan. :)
Rin28 chapter 22 . 1/23/2011
nooooo! everything was going amazingly well! why cant the bad things stay away! TToTT
Rin28 chapter 21 . 1/23/2011
BWAHAHAHAHA! Ed is such a riot -grin-

I'm really liking these ALxRiza moments -wink-
Rin28 chapter 20 . 1/23/2011
im with roy on this one...I dont want Ed with a beard!
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