Reviews for A Poor Imitation
Hokagenaomi chapter 13 . 5/20
Loved it. Thank you for this.
Sweetpotato16 chapter 1 . 4/8
Ever since the quarantine, I have been finding comfort from reading a ton of fanfic. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for writing this piece. We readers tend to forget just how much effort and time is being sacrificed to bring forth this quality of work. This appreciation comment is the least I can do to express my gratitude. Thank you dear author for the wonderful read, and keep up the good work! Keep safe always
narutorocks13 chapter 13 . 2/23
Dang. What a great piece! I throughly enjoyed this, it was the perfect mix of plot and relationship growth. Honestly I loved how everyone seemed really in character. I hope to read more stuff from you soon!
pearslandpendant chapter 13 . 12/25/2019
I was hesitant to read this at first because I thought the story is something similar to The Vow, where the girl loses her memories and the guy tries to woo her back into loving him like before. But wow this is more mysterious and complex! I like the mystery aspect, the little details and Sakura investigating her relationships with Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi. In the end it all made sense and wow you write so well! I'm frustrated because wtf they only need to REALLY communicate well but this is Sakura and Kakashi and I love this couple so yeah I still liked the ride. Thank you author!
kagomeLove2 chapter 13 . 12/13/2019
Very interesting story. I love it. No bashing at all of any character.

Thank you for sharing.
Jummper chapter 5 . 11/5/2019
i don't know, but i feel depressed read this chapter. Uh
EmpressNariko chapter 13 . 10/10/2019
I love this story! Both Kakashi and Sakura felt so real in this! Your writing style is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this story with everyone!
Guest chapter 13 . 8/14/2019
aaaand this is why we communicate kids! the angst was so different in this, it made my heart ache.
garden rain chapter 13 . 8/4/2019
Guest chapter 13 . 7/12/2019
Lovely story!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/30/2019
Cue "Awwwwwwww!" 3 3 3
amihani chapter 13 . 5/20/2019
Read it all in one sitting. Thank you for another well-written story!
ChimamireNoBara22 chapter 13 . 4/5/2019
This was so wonderful! The last chapter wrapped the story up beautifully! Your character development and the intricate weaving of the plot was perfectly planned out :) Great job!
Insomnikat chapter 13 . 4/1/2019
Thank you for this wonderful story! It was just the mix of angst and thriller/romance I didn’t know I was searching for. I loved how masterfully you set up the mystery of Sakura’s past with the three most important men in her life, leaving just enough delicious little glimpses to keep me reading well into the early morning hours. Every character, especially Sakura and Kakashi, were spot on and I admire your consistency throughout in their characterization: determined but stubborn to a fault, strong but weak, infuriatingly unwilling to chase the girl when every romance/smut novel would have told him that, in this case, ‘get out’ is a desperate plea to stay.

On that note, I liked this ending a wee bit more than The Name of the Game. But only because Kakashi FINALLY went after her and confronted her.I know its been a lifetime since you wrote this but I was feeling strangely nostalgic and, after reading Loophole and Genshi again after over a decade, I couldn’t help but be curious of your KakaSaku work. It seems the maturity that comes with age has made the reservations I once had for the pairing all but disappear and, actually, find it more relatable AND realistic than Sakura and any Uchiha.

But angst is delicious no matter the flavor, and Kakashi ages like fine wine, so reading something new yet old such as this was just the medicine I needed.

I hope you are happy and well and maybe, if you’re still writing something somewhere under a different name, I would love to know about it. Thank you again for your hard work!
Birnan Midniht chapter 13 . 1/26/2019
I really, really enjoyed this. The ending was one of the most complete i'd ever felt
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