Reviews for Fate Favors the Fearless
Guest chapter 21 . 7/11
Been following this story on and off since you first started it. Whatever may have gotten you down in your personal life is understandable. We are all eagerly waiting for this story to be completed and it would be such a shame for it to never be finished. This is one of the best fan fictions I’ve personally come across. The AU, the way you portray link as a total bad ass etc etc. I’ll probably give up on reading fanfics if you officially stop this story cos its so hard to find something else thats just as good as fate favours the fearless. Peace
RoronoaJosh chapter 21 . 6/29
Did you stop this story? I was loving it so far... Its been 5 years, let me know if I should wait for an update or not! Top tier writing so far tho. 100% loved it.
Guest chapter 21 . 5/1
Don’t get your hopes up people, this story is dead.
Skydragon74193 chapter 1 . 4/3
I still dream someday this story will be finished.
Skydragon74193 chapter 1 . 2/29
To me, this is still the best fanfiction I've ever read, and I'm desperately hoping it'll be finished. I always come back to it, wanting to reread it, but its hard knowing its not done yet.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/28
I’m aware this is an old story and such but like why do they hate Kristi I literally love her she’s won my heart and idek why
creator2007 chapter 21 . 2/7
when is the next one
Guest chapter 21 . 1/23
I’ve been following since the first few chapters and i’ll be heartbroken if this story isn’t finished someday! Hopefully nothing bad has happened to you that would stop you from posting :/
Guest chapter 21 . 1/22
Any more chapters for this amazing story?
when is the next chapter 21 . 1/16
it is great but how long does it take to make one no offense
nukedestroyer101 chapter 21 . 4/15/2019
prepare for war in latin and the title is fortis fortuna adiuvat or fate favors the fearless... its on john wicks back
Billy Bob Joe 23 chapter 20 . 4/4/2019
Is there an update ready for this?
ToufeekS chapter 21 . 2/21/2019
This fic needs to be continued... amazing story.
Billy Bob Joe 23 chapter 21 . 1/12/2019
Hey, do you think you could update soon?
AUMaker chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
I am so immersed with this fanfic. This is so well done. I had hope to see the conclusion of the first battle but it seems that I have to wait a couple or more years to do so. I love this fanfic so much, I have read it trice now, every year since 2015. I love what you did with Link's character. It is such a unique characterization. He is usually portrayed as a silent and humble hero. Here he is arrogant and cocky and I found it so refreshing. Although I am bothered at his negative reaction to matrimony and commitment but that's a personal pet peeve and didn't make me love your Link any less (It's a trope I have encountered too much in my romance novel hunting XD).

My only complaint is how Zelda's character turned 180 all of a sudden. She was so horrified at witnessing death earlier on the tournament but then suddenly she's familiar with it and revealed that she had had her first kiss when she was seven. Either she was pretending to be so deeply affected with death during the tournament and the massacre that happened after, or she was lying about her familiarity with death as to appear in control with her emotions in front of such authorative figures. As for the accusations of her being manipulative? I do believe she was to some degree but I dont think she was truly manipulating Link as she seems to oblivious to her effect on him. A part of me wants her to make due with her words of "All you have to do is ask and I'll gice you everything", specially if its in front of Rusl. The guy needs to see that Zelda's feelings for Link is truly real and not just a tool for manipulation. Well, I could only dream. XD

I do love her gentleness and kindness though. I like when a heroine is shown to be vulnerable but still stand up on her own feet and face the adversities thrusted upon her. That's true strength for me.
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