Reviews for Brute Science
sheppardlover928 chapter 9 . 3/16/2013
A little late! I have read this story before and don't know why I didn't leave a review!, But I am now! Cudos, Cudos, Cudos! An excellent Shep whump story! Poor John...hurt terrible by one alien, recovered and then...practically on his next mission is caught in a stampede, caught and the unlucky "guest". of a more advanced alien culture! Of course, Pavlov was the cruelest for sure...but the ignorance of the aliens played a major part in John's deterioration. If not for Jane, don't think John would have survived, though it didn't seem like she did a whole lotto help him besides prod him several times, take their version of xray and ultrasound! She never really did anything..even when he obviously indicated his injuries as she prodded! They never really tried to find suitable food. The times when she did administer treatment were creepy...I cringed for John! Then the whole dissection thing...of wow! Just glad rescue got there when they did! Too bad it wasn't five minutes sooner! LOL!
Now we know Joh is healing slow, but sure and eventually the feeling in his leg will comeback as the radiation stuff disintegrates! The comparison of John's treatment by the aliens and by those of Dr Lane with the stingray definitely the "AHA!" moment.
Excellent story...writing was superb and intriguing! Powerful imagery!
clerical medical chapter 9 . 2/4/2012
This was fab, thank you. The whole getting dissected thing is one of my all time favourite squicks.
SmileyDJingles chapter 9 . 8/4/2010
I only have one word for this story and it's "WOW!"
Saiyura chapter 5 . 12/2/2009
This is my fifth time reading this story and I just noticed an inconsistency in this chapter for the first time. You stated in the last chapter that Jane took John's shirt from him yet in this chapter you stated 'his shirt was soaked completely through with sweat'.

I thought you should know about this.

Good chappy
Potterworm chapter 9 . 8/22/2009
Holycow, this story was intense. The entire time, it was like a horror movie, and it was so well written, so intense, that the end result was an incredible story. Good job.
ManicTater chapter 9 . 7/27/2009
I'm left wondering whatJane thought of the rescue. I thought Sheppard might be a little against the animal experimentation now ;)
ManicTater chapter 6 . 7/27/2009
Hol-Y-Crap! No shit! *Now* they don't give him drugs?
ManicTater chapter 5 . 7/27/2009
Ack. Poor John. How horrible. I keep flashing on he vet clinic.
ManicTater chapter 3 . 7/27/2009
I liked the foreshadowing of describing the way John was being carried to that of how a person would carry a dog.
ManicTater chapter 2 . 7/27/2009
Ah, jeez. Sheppard just can't catch a break. I thougth he would still be struggling with the Pegasus sting ray bite. I loved Rodney and Ronon giving John shit about his leg. And Ronon's scheming to get Rodney in shape.
ManicTater chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
You were right. It *is* creepy! :) Somehow I don't think the zoologist is taking all the necessary precautions or following protocols about handling such a dangerous animal.
WitchPencil chapter 9 . 5/16/2009
really good story. all i wanted to do was read it till i had finished but everything was against me. i got there though, and i really enjoyed it. love the way it was written. thanks!
Saiyura chapter 9 . 1/11/2009
Oh my Gosh! I was weeping threw the whole time! I can't believe how much I enjoyed this story, and how many times my mom tried to kick me off and give up only to repeat the whole ordeal twenty more tiems tell she left! SO, one thing...

Why! WHY those no good pathetic aliens! If I ever see them I'm sticking a boot up ther butts!

Love the story, love the style, love how you've written it, and love how you made it into my favorite style.

Keep up the good work, cause I am not your fan!

Splitbeak chapter 9 . 1/4/2009
Wow, this story was really good. I like the way you refused to flinch from the more graphic horrors. I wish I had more words to describe this truly brilliant piece of work.

Well done.
SGA-SAF chapter 9 . 12/30/2008
Great story, I enjoyed it from first to last chapter! Very creepy indeed, it kept me on edge the whole time through. Love the recovery at the end, and Im a total sucker for Ronon/Shep scenes, so was delighted about the runner being there for Shep. It doesnt take much words for comfort, but their bond is very strong here. Thank you so much for writing this!
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