Reviews for Goodnight, Moon
goober77 chapter 13 . 5/27
Wow this was AMAZING.
Tumbler-Tidbits chapter 13 . 11/29/2019
I love this story so much! This is my second time reading it and it still brought tears to my eyes! Amazing writing!
Stacey1973 chapter 13 . 9/21/2019
Loved this story so much and you have the boys voices down pat!
Spency Morgan chapter 13 . 5/25/2019
This story is wonderful! And really sad ... I cried a lot, a lot. It's in my favorites now! Congratulations, you are a great writer.
Melle22 chapter 13 . 12/19/2018
fantastic fic! Case fic, brother fic, surrogate dad Bobby, Missouri weirdness, baby Sammy! Oh my gosh, so much to love.
Jeannegift chapter 13 . 9/17/2018
This story broke my heart and made me cry so many times. That doesn’t happen often. Such an amazing story of two amazing brothers. Thank you.
lipglosskaz chapter 13 . 8/13/2018
Amazing story, loved every line..
Iuvsbruce chapter 13 . 6/12/2018
This story is one of those that actually made me tear up! This was so awesome! Thank you so very, very much!
WhymustIpickaname chapter 13 . 3/3/2018
Dude...this fic...this was...INCREDIBLE. I actually cried the last time Dean 'read' Goodnight Moon. My gosh I actually cried. I NEVER cry. This was just amazing!
crownsphere chapter 13 . 9/19/2017
I just LOVED this! I loved the humor (laughed out loud more than once), the characters - I adore Bobby, and I was glad to find Missouri there, I think she should have had a bigger part in the canon. And all those fluffy parts of Dean taking care of Sammy were ADORABLE. When they read from the book I practically cried...
The only thing I didn't get was how the de-aging spell actually worked, I think I got a little lost there. But hey, the story was so good, I didn't really care :)
Honyasbookshelf2017 chapter 13 . 9/4/2017
I think I just have a weakness for cute de-aged character stories; they’re adorable! But seriously, Goodnight, Moon is a great story, and not just for the cuteness factor (although that’s definitely present). There’s a solid plot, with plenty of tension, suspense, and angst–enough so that it fits the Supernatural build quite solidly. But there’s enough humor, familial affection, and cuteness to balance the darkness out well. The writing is a pleasure to read, with a nice flow and a good balance of dialogue and description. I really liked that the author chose a third-person POV; it worked well for this story, especially since we sometimes switched from one person’s perspective to another’s. I think the characterizations were one of the best parts of this story–they were true to character and completely credible, but at the same time, they show a softer side of the characters than we see sometimes. It’s a side that most of the fandom loves, and it’s beautiful to see it fully displayed like this. Dean’s all in big-brother mode, falling back into the role with practiced ease. Sam/Sammy is equally himself, and the interplay between the older and younger sides of his personality is both interesting and well written. And I loved the involvement of both Bobby and Missouri in this story; they’re both great characters! John’s involvement was unexpected, and I kind of have mixed feeling about it. Because it was perfect and cathartic, and it kind of made me hate him less, and he’s one of those characters that I maybe love to hate. . . . But still, like I said, it works with the story and provides a nice cathartic resolution. I would definitely recommend Goodnight, Moon to anyone who loves a good Supernatural fic with lots of brotherly love and humor.
PrincessMagic chapter 13 . 8/22/2017
This was brilliant! I'm still crying from it all!
Sallyannerenee chapter 13 . 1/13/2017
I can't do it justice. This one is awesome, all through, little Sammy with Dean, all the action and brother moments, I just loved it.
NoilyPrat chapter 13 . 1/2/2017
I'm sorry I couldn't leave reviews on each of the chapters. You did such a good job, you deserve it. It's just too late at night, and I'm reading through my sleep time - bad for me, in any case.

Could you tell me if you did the extra scenes? I'd love the extra chapter. And the short story. Please?! Also, possibly the pdf file with the art?

I love how you took a premise, and made it so real. Made the bond with the brothers so aching and loving. Bobby was great, and his heart killing him was exactly what your readers were going through. Glad to see Missouri. She's a great character, one that the show didn't use enough. Well, actress was busy - but still, need to see more of her. Love all the hunts. Love how Sam tried to deal with his little body - and how you gave a great explanation as to WHY his grown up brain was there. Gave me the shivers about eating the innocence. Again, wonderful hunts!

Wish I'd read this story as you were writing it - got a couple of words that need fixing. I'm totally into the story, and living every breath-taking moment, only ... something jars. Oh well.
WraithFaithUnstable chapter 2 . 9/23/2016
Again, Bobby's awesome. So is this fic. I love it. Super cute with just the right amount of angst and Bobby. Woo.
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