Reviews for Gone with the Morning
RavenclawWeasel531 chapter 2 . 8/10/2018
Awwwwww, love this!
Painted Orchid chapter 2 . 12/24/2014
Oh this was the sweetest story ever! This was the perfect blend of heartache and sweetness!
MuggleCreator chapter 2 . 2/9/2014
Awwwwwww! Sweet.
Emily O'Keeffe chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
This is such a beautiful piece of work! It deserves so many more reviews than it has! It's so unfortunate it was published so long ago, people generally don't come back this far. I found by fluke! It's a gorgeous concept because it's not wonderful and perfect to begin with. The first chapter reduced me to tears and then the second literally had me jumping for joy.
You wrote all the characters perfectly, I loved the Torchwood cameos and Donna and Martha. If only this had actually happened?
Well done on such a splendid fanfiction!
Spunkalovely chapter 2 . 2/18/2013
Aww! This is fantastic! Amazing! I don't have enough adjectives to accurately describe it.
thejacinthsong chapter 2 . 11/15/2011
This is such a lovely story. Thank you for sharing it.
Zatsky chapter 2 . 10/6/2009
Nice concept. Well worked out. And of course I love when they end up done.
Hana no Sutoomu chapter 2 . 8/10/2008
OMG. i love this story it's blumin amazing. i think it's so sweet and though it took me forever to read (since i'm the slowest reader in history)it was so worth it.

i can't help but smile at the moment, i can't wipe it off my face.

i love the humer you put into this story also. everyone is in bad so it was so hard not to laugh really loud, i almost fell of my bad at some point.

again this is a blumin amazing story.

i have one question, are you writing more?
Blue Magic chapter 1 . 6/28/2008
Well done! I think you've got the doctor's speech down very well. And nice to see Rose get herself out of trouble. Thanks!
Bookjunkie-22 chapter 2 . 6/28/2008
I just found this story and I love it. My only complaint? Owen and Tosh dated but it never really took. Owen and Tosh belong together! If you're keeping them alive then they BELONG together. I'm sorry, I'm still not over Exit Wounds...

Anyway love the Doctor/Rose stuff and Hope. Love the Donna mentions, after Rose she really is my favorite companion. Martha was wonderful, but then she is on the show now too, and we have Tom to thank for that,lol.
Genne chapter 2 . 6/25/2008
I will be perfectly honest about something. I've never actually thrown my hands about my face and flailed like a four year old who wants sweets, while reading fanfiction. Right now, I did just that. Really, it was everything Martha said (that will also be the first time you ever hear me say that I found Martha to be the best thing in a fic) everything made me so happy! First off, I almost screamed when she said 'my three year old', that just about killed me with happiness. Second, her jus 'being there', her being the one to help see Rose and the Doctor's baby for the first was just an amazing fanwanky moment for me. Then, there was the Donna 'girls night out' mentions which I loved to bits! the fact that she and Donna still hung out afterwards is simply an awesome beyond awesome thing. Also, LEE! OMG HE FOUND HER AND THEY HAVE BABIEZ! it's like you were giving me steady dosages of euphoria towards the end there! Martha Mulligan...has SUCH a nice ring to it, doesn't it? you know the guy who played him recently played a character called Zak? hee! and little Zach is sick! and mommie and daddy are going to be doctors and take care of him and...! (drops dead)
Anna McNarin chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
How sad and pretty.
Genne chapter 1 . 5/2/2008
Beg, borrow or steal, he'll have her back by next christmas day. why? cause I said so. end of disscusion. word.

I didn't even see this fic before! bleh. senior finals are making my brains turn to mush. But...let me stop at the mush and let you know how bleedin brilliant this was.

I love the whole consept, i really do. and jack being there is always, ALWAYS a plus. (though i do find the idea of finding the doctor asleep, naked, alone and underneath console a little disturbing)

-sighs- you will not beleive the frown on my face when she asked if he could make it back before she got too old! and the quite moments before he leaves each time are just...GUH! (aka, hug lol) such a joy to read, i loved every bit of it. a real bit of writing you managed to come up with, and i'm just glad you do!
NeapolitanGirl chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
This really reminds me of "The Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger, which has to be a good thing.

Cute, and sad in a good way. I absolutely LOVE sad in a good way...
this account will be dead soon chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
**Beats with chibi!Seven's umbrella** LONG-FLIPPIN'-STORY!

**Continues hitting**
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