Reviews for I, Josef, Immortal
St chapter 14 . 10/22/2013
Just discovered your story and thoroughly enjoyed it and am hoping for an ending to it! chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Can't get through to baywwinger for some reason-can you pass a message to her, ask her if she can continue with the Lady Hawke series? Thank you.


Kathleen Ouellette AKA Walkzlone
Lilly57 chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
And this will probably be the end of my reading on your wonderful story line.

I am never comfortable with Beth Turner becoming a Vampire. How I see it is that Josef Kostan, the Vampire community as a whole and, especially, The Council, see the value of keeping Beth Turner a human - a mortal woman. She is the eyes and ears of the mortals, a conduit of knowledge and awareness that Josef and The Council need - they need it to keep their Secret and so that they can continue to exist (in to eternity, of course).

I appreciate that Josef is a Fencing Master - that guy is so good at pretty much everything he chooses to learn.

But I thank you for the beginning story line - so very well written.
Lilly57 chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Well, I like it. Josef is fair skinned but at the time of his turning in to a Vampire he had brown hair, eyebrows and brown eyes.

This is good writing on this storyline and I am liking it. So sad that his Mother had died at his birth. How wonderful that he has a sister.

You write well, thanks so much for clarification on the German words and sentences. I so appreciate that clarification.
radiate689 chapter 5 . 7/6/2010
radiate689 chapter 4 . 7/6/2010
good chapter
radiate689 chapter 3 . 7/6/2010
radiate689 chapter 2 . 7/6/2010
radiate689 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
good start
a wolf is a perfect paradox chapter 14 . 4/2/2010
i just found your story on line and read it all in d one go, really like what you have so far...are you planning to add more? i hope so , you cant just leave it hanging there!
don'tthinkso chapter 14 . 10/2/2009
Hope you finish this story soon! :o)
ShadowWolfDagger chapter 14 . 7/24/2009
Awesome Moonlight story, can't wait till you continue updating it _

I like your view of Josef's past and how you write out the present/past effents between Josef, Mick, and Beth ;)

nightcap chapter 14 . 4/27/2009
A fifteen year old Josef. Strong, proud and with only ten years or so of human existence left to him. You give a great description of him. A sad thing that his father's love for his dead mother is keeping them from being close.

Lucius has grown too, I see. Each in their own way.

And poor Elisabeth. I wonder if Josef thinks of his sister when he says Beth's name. Or if too many years have passed for it to serve to revive his sister's memory? The two were obviously very close. Let's hope that Josef does not act on a wrong conclusion. It wouldn't be out of character for a young man his age...but it would be a shame. Especially if Elisabeth truly cares for Merek and he for her.

Your chapters are always worth waiting for. Rich, historical, insightful into the lives of our favorite characters.

Thank you for another wonderful peek into Josef's life.
Ancholia chapter 14 . 4/21/2009
So I've had a really, very bad evening and then I read your update and you made me forget about all this mess. For that a big, massive, giant thank you.

Npw, on the chapter. I love all the details in your descriptions, for exemple when you described Josef or the way Friedrich fails at his responsabilities.

The scene between Bess and Josef was heartbeaking. Does he ever know the truth about the rape? Did she or Lucius tell him?

Great, great characterization of Lucius. I love how you explain the reasons why he became such a crazy, angry man. The flashback with the peasant was very well written. I especially liked this sentence: "Blood and tears ran in the streets, as the militia swarmed over the village, annihilating the uprising, ransacking homes and bodiesā€¦Lucius rode through it all, his eyes cold, showing no mercy, no remorseā€¦"

Oh and I want Elisabeth to be happy and married with Merek even if I knwo there is little chance it happens.

I can't wait to read the next chapter.

Thank you.
Evilous chapter 14 . 4/20/2009
Oh this is so good. Josef growing and maturing having that inner strength we know so well. He so wants his father's approval and love but he doesnt get that he will never get it simply because of his resembelence to his mother.

Lucious deciding to hurt Josef from afar, be the son his father can look at. His rage...omg its so horrible.

Bess, poor sweet girl. She is being fooled by this Merek all because of stupid Lucious. Josef, I hope he wont be to distracted with Merek to see the real threat and danger of Lucious and his sick mind.

Love the update and we completely understand the dely you put so much work and love into your works. Plus you have school we totally understand plus its like christmas when we get one.


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