Reviews for Whatever's Left
nightfall chapter 11 . 7/4
To this date this is one of my favorite stories. Fuck everyone else on Tree Hill. Peyton and Nathan don't need them. They were always the most interesting characters in the show and I thought they would've been more passion/drama in the show had they stayed together.
Kormaninc chapter 11 . 2/18
Now I understand you are a weird shipper of NP bro-sis that explains that creepy AU fic of yours I just read and this fic! Ewwwww

At least you make your bias clear forget character and story just continue the AU rewrite of OTH to write terrible N/P
Guest chapter 11 . 12/5/2019
As an AVID Leyton fan, I hate to admit I love this story. Some parts were hard to read but overall it’s amazing especially cause I too hated how Lucas NEVER fought for Peyton. She took Lucas back WAYYYYY to easily.
FALLEN HALO chapter 11 . 11/12/2019
Thank you so much for updating this. I always loved this story and was upset to see it not done. This is pure Nathan and Peyton in all their fiery glory. I hope to see it finished because I refuse to believe this is the last chapter
Guest chapter 11 . 11/9/2019
The thing is that Peyton always becomes unlikable when she is with Lucas, or worse, pinning after Lucas. She has no backbone, no grace, and no self respect. When she was with Nathan she was a fire cracker. tough and selfish but at least real with herself. Pathan ftw.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/9/2019
At this point in the story Brooke is the best and deserves the world yet she has to put up with these type of friends. smh.
Awesomeness2502 chapter 10 . 10/27/2016
Omg finally Peyton and Nathan with backbones like how Pathan / Neyton should be :)! Absolutely love this! Please continue!
lachicarebelde22 chapter 9 . 9/6/2015
Will you be writting more?
nightfall chapter 10 . 7/2/2013
Why wont you update? Please finish this story.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/27/2013
Also, I want to say how much I loved that Peyton is the one with the steely strength now. And that she has the wisdom to see through Nathan's anger and into his true feelings. I know on the show, Peyton was always written as Brooke's shadow and the underdog, but she's the one with the moral compass, despite failings as all humans are apt to do, she does have a strong sense of right and wrong. I loved her entering into the lion's den knowing exactly what she has in store for her. Well, I think it's noble.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/27/2013
damn it. At least we got a glimmer of hope before you stopped writing this incredibly painful but wonderful story. It gives up hope that this was a real and honest to God turning point for their future as real grown ups. Anyway, thanks for what you did so far, and who knows, maybe someday you might get the writing bug again.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/27/2013
O thank God. The real Peyton emerges. Well, season 1 Peyton, which is like one of the best tv characters ever, before the writers, for some stupid, idiotic reason decided to ruin their own creation. I pretty much want to echo your AN, and thanks for giving us back the Peyton that was introduced to us in the first place. Yippee
Guest chapter 6 . 5/27/2013
God, this is so frustrating. This Peyton, indecisive and meekly subservient at the very presence of Lucas Scott. Jesus, was she this spineless on the show. I don't remember. So many chapters, so many years, over 7 frigging years and she still can't move on. Come on blondie, get away from your chains already. Why the hell are you still in Tree Hill. Do you need a collar with Lucas Scott's property on it or something. Sorry, I'm ranting, because she's got so much potential and using none of it. As long as she's with Lucas, she'll be nothing more than an accessory. Way to go Peyton, made your bed now. Or how about you cut the leash yourself and take charge for once. I apologize again, end my rant here. Peyton is actually one of my favorite characters when she isn't pinning for Lucas. I'm so invested in this Pathan that I'm pretty devastated by her lack of strength, and for the record, I personally don't think she's this spineless or that she's incapable of escaping Lucas's bull.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/27/2013
O, O, Peyton is starting to do the coping thing again. I really wish she'd just get over Lucas already. Yeah, yeah, true love and all that. whatever, she's always so damn miserable with Lucas. no life, no spark, just pinning. I never liked that version of Peyton. It's so not who was introduced at the beginning. This is a PATHAN fic right. Even if it isn't finished, it should head in that direction, I hope. I'm a Peyton over Leyton kind of fan, and just want her back to having some attitude and feistiness.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/27/2013
Well, I know this was never finished, but I'm so very suckered by your terrific writing and this very, very possible Pathan. This chapter was truly beautiful and puts Leyton to shame. In an AU, I'd like to think this happened and MS and his less capable writers just didn't have it in them to be so inspired.
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