Reviews for Scars
bang on the head chapter 4 . 3/17/2007
i have one word : sweetness!
Dark Syntax chapter 4 . 4/20/2006
Dam...Your good. I give u props for such a great story. At first it sought of creeped me out with the scar thing...

But the way u weaved the story to Include Reno as not such a cold-hearted man, but just a guy who had feelings just like any other guy and was willing to help someone, (like Yuffie) was simply great.

I think that out of this entire story i liked your ending best.

Most times people cant end a story correctly leaving the reader disappointed and wanting more.

Yet u ended it perfectly and for that i give u 10/10

And 2 thumbs up for a excellently written story. (this comes from a fellow writer)

(Good keeping Yuffie inside her character also that u tried to portray her as)
caprileo chapter 4 . 2/9/2004
I was never really one to read "Yuffie-fics", but for some reason I did and am glad that I did.
It was definately a different way to look at Yuffie, not how I imagined her to be/become.
Really good story.
Sabriel41 chapter 4 . 1/15/2004
I know this story is nearly a year old... but oh, these two are fast becoming one of my favorite couples, and you write them very well; very in character, very convincingly. The jackets and lockets were nice touches, as well... and Yuffie's transition from shadows to light was one of the better ones I've read...
Kudos, and Regards,
PS - If you're still in the fandom, would you mind checking out my fic "Not What I'll Have You Believe?" It's the same pairing, a little lighter, but I'd like to know what you think of it... thanks!
Black Lightning 4 chapter 4 . 10/27/2003

This is increibal now I see Yuffie in a new light, SPREAD THE NEW AGE YUFFIE WOOT!

Reno is the coolest he has always been my faveourite charcter in the who game EVER!
TAMER BUBZ chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
I didn't really pay attention to the rating. I suppose I should change it, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Anyways, I do believe I have read your fic before (I try to read ALL Yuffie fics, FFVII or Kingdom Hearts) and it is very good, although I generally don't like the Yuffie/Reno pairing.
lulurikku17 chapter 4 . 8/28/2003
Wow that was they make such a good cople! but I want to know abot their life after that!

Daisaku chapter 4 . 7/13/2003
XD wow.. this is great. I like it. You're a great writer
AnimeDarkAngel chapter 4 . 6/24/2003
GAH! You know before I read this I loathed Yuffie! NOW I WANNA CRY! And on toppa that...Im jealous. Why cant I find a guy like that! MAN! Your good. Poor Yuff...

xSummonerYunax chapter 4 . 1/19/2003
Yay, an update! I cant believe its already done, I love Scars so much!

This is a wonderful fic. Deeply moving and emotional at the same time. You managed to keep Yuffie and Reno in perfect character. This is a change from reading mostly about Yuffie's lighthearted and goofy side. I love how you portrayed Yuffie's negatives. Great job, wished there was more but then again, Im satisifed of how this fic turned out.

Hope you will consider writing more about this unique pairing!
Otaku-Chan chapter 4 . 1/18/2003
That was a beautiful story. You really did a great job with Yuffie's emotions here. Not to mention, the mood of the story was perfect. Write more fics, because I'd be more than delighted to read them.

Otaku-Chan _~
paperie chapter 4 . 1/16/2003
OOOOOOH! That was a simply fantastic ending. :) I've always been a fan of yours. Great job! *hugs*
Some Mad Person chapter 4 . 1/16/2003
Oh, Tifa G. You've outdone yourself. What a sweetly crafted ending to a fabulous story. Gotta love the nostalgic moments. Keep writing, girl!
Synonymia chapter 4 . 1/14/2003
Beautiful ending to a beautiful story. Loved it.
Chihiro's Dragon chapter 3 . 10/18/2002
What I really like about your story is that there's hope as well as despair. Or vice versa. Whatever. I like to see Yuffie portrayed seriously but I really don't like to see her beyond any hope... it's kinda depressing. I mean, she's a tough one after all, in a little crazy way, but anyway tough. Having a load of problems is one thing but being crushed under them is another. And in this story, you place her just between these two situation... There's a tension. I love it. And Yuffie's problem is explained so plausibly. Her feelings of losing control is really convincing.

Oh, and there's Reno, of course. That's what makes me read it. He's the most unlikely savior, having no less problem in himself. I used to be a Yuffentine fan, but writers like you are converting me... You're going to explore his problems, too, aren't you? I'm really looking forward to reading Reno's sufferings. I'm sure you'll do it excellently, having read these three chapters about Yuffie.
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