Reviews for The Harmony Bond
colton chapter 27 . 7/1
you should have put them in grifindoor
Guy chapter 37 . 6/22
Dude, nice holy grail reference
Guy chapter 35 . 6/22
Use patreon
Soliel Sidus chapter 85 . 6/18
I've been following this fic since it went up in 2008, across like 3 different accounts. i hope you are well and I know things were so rough for a while. I just want you to know how much I love this fic and that I hope you're okay and doing well and still with us. I hope that everything is improving even if you're not finishing this story
Guest chapter 85 . 6/14
Excellent story...gets as far as the tri wizard cup draw ...
Guest chapter 32 . 4/26
what do i have to say about ROMANCE

being sirius here
Guest chapter 31 . 4/26
dude more R-O-M-A-N-C-E!
Guest chapter 22 . 4/26
that is NOT ON !?1111111
harmonyshipper chapter 21 . 4/26
it is good but can you add some more romance?
Smile Giver11 chapter 1 . 4/21
I've read several stories similar to this one, but somehow, you make the idea of a soul bond between Harry and Hermione seem more realistic and honest.
abhinavvemuri123 chapter 59 . 4/9
Lucius friendship with Tom riddle? Voldemort was 70 years old at the battle of Hogwarts Lucius probably 40-50
Lilyngwie chapter 1 . 4/8
I know it’s been years but just found this story. Wish you’d pick it back up. Wish you well
Nihatclodra chapter 85 . 3/13
Ended on a cliffhanger and abandoned for 6 years... damn...
Nihatclodra chapter 65 . 3/13
I was rather disorienting when you kept switching perspective like that with nothing seperating each of them...
Pteaset chapter 85 . 3/3
Well I love the story if you ever continue it I’ll still be here
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