Reviews for Meet The Uplands
nursejoy7 chapter 51 . 1/27/2013
:D awesome fic !
ajay3bee chapter 51 . 12/28/2008
Please, please, please give us a continuation to this story. It's definitely deserving of a third 'series'!
kidjim25 chapter 51 . 12/4/2008
Outstanding story! Would love to see this as a series! Keep up the great work!
pcp4202002 chapter 51 . 11/8/2008
HEY hold it there sunshine. you cant just leave it there no way you gata start a new one. what about em getting married and the crazy father and the wizerd and mrs upland and whatnot. and and and the girls getting married galphie we cant forget that hehe. come on pwes
IceQueen580 chapter 51 . 11/8/2008
I have been following this story since the first chapter. I LOVE IT! Please make it into a series. I mean the idea of children keeps popin' up. I'd like to see it happen. _- Please keep writing. BYE!
SaoirseAva chapter 51 . 11/7/2008
Lovely, perfect, and wonderful are only a few of the words to describe this chapter and this story in general. I seriously hope your muse continues on with another story, because I absolutely love them! You are ridiculously talented, and I would love it if we could continue to be spoiled with your great work! :)

natalie543212 chapter 51 . 11/7/2008
Oh my god i love love love your stories they are like crack i cant get enough of them. You totally need to turn this into a series it would be amazing. I love your writing. Thanks so much for giving me a good gelphie story to read it's been a while since i've read a decent one.
rainboots123 chapter 51 . 11/7/2008

I was so hoping that day would never come.

But, I loved the ending.

This was one of the best stories I had read in a LONG TIME

and so.

TheWarrior12 chapter 51 . 11/7/2008
Aw, what a nice way to end it.

I really enjoyed this story ALOT. How you write Elphaba, Glinda, Breena, and Addena is so prefect. You should definitely make this into a series.
Elizagoth chapter 1 . 11/7/2008
So I've been reading this story from the beginning and the other story too. I haven't reviewed as of yet, but I feel that I should so I can add my input and tell you to continued it into a series. So make it a series! There, that's my piece and if you do end up going that way then yay! and if not well then it was good while it lasted.
greydays chapter 51 . 11/7/2008
Series, absolutely! I love every character you've created (well the ones you're supposed to like anyways) and your versions of the Wicked crew. I've definitely become addicted to this set and I'd love to read more. Beautiful work!
GorgeousSmile chapter 51 . 11/6/2008
AW! I can't believe this is the ending. You should definitely turn this into a series! I am totally going to miss this story. I'm going to miss Bree and Addena. and Glinda and Elphie too, but Bree and Addena are your characters so we can't read about them in other stories... so once again, I say yes to writing more about the four of them!

Also I loved this chapter. Even though I'm sad to see it end, I think you ended it perfectly. I love how Bree didn't want to use the crutches and waves her injuries off as nothing, but as soon as someone else is hurt she gets all concerned and wants to heal them. It's cute. Heck all four of them are cute! once again, write another story with Elphie, Glinda, Bree and Addena... ;) and I'll end my review on that note.
xoffcolor chapter 51 . 11/6/2008
Aw. I loved the ending. It was so cute! You should definitely make it a series. I love your stories. They're brilliant. Write more. And fast!... Please.
TheWarrior12 chapter 50 . 11/3/2008
Aw, what a nice chapter. It was filled with sister time with our favortive girls. I really enjoyed the part where Addena sees Glinda wearing her old cheerleading outfit. :)

More of this soon!
GorgeousSmile chapter 50 . 11/2/2008
Aw, this was a cute chapter. I loved all the sisterly bonding that was going on. Especially Glinda and Addena's girl talk. ;)
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