Reviews for Crescents
Annika Greenwood chapter 23 . 5/5
Thank you so much for this amazing story! I love Jasper and I like your portrayal of him very much.
liverno chapter 23 . 1/4/2019
Very good, I hope there is a version of New Moon
jmormont chapter 23 . 11/7/2018
you really write well, and have the essence of Jasper, I'd love for you to write more from his point of view
bmthespian chapter 23 . 10/15/2018
Great chapter
Louey06 chapter 23 . 10/9/2018
This is an excellent story. I love seeing some of the other Cullens perspectives on the whole Bella situation. Very well written.
Duellist chapter 21 . 9/19/2018
Nice coverage of a perspective I hadn't considered before.

Coyote? Ew. An acquaintance who hunts a lot tried eating a healthy coyote he'd killed once. His description of the taste was... nauseating. Can't imagine a vampire who thinks wolves stink wanting a taste.
itsolivia chapter 23 . 9/16/2018
good writing
Guest chapter 23 . 9/5/2018
I'm so sorry I'm just now commenting. I've been rereading the story! I love how devoted and fiercely protective Jasper is of Alice. It's always bothered me that Edward sort of demanded the family just step aside and put Bella first above all and he never seemed very bothered or cared how the fallout affected his family. Jasper had such a horrible life before Alice and Alice is the only thing keeping Jasper tied to this family and their ways on a lot of days. I'm off to keep keep reading...
jilly611 chapter 23 . 9/2/2018
Absolutely love this chapter. I really like how you came across with his feelings and how this whole situation affected him. Showed he could still soldier on and take care of business but also showed just how on the edge it put him. Brilliant take on what was happening around Edward and Bella's story. Great job and keep it up!
bmthespian chapter 22 . 6/4/2018
Great chapter
Ashgibson0381 chapter 21 . 3/9/2018
I absolutely love this story!
bmthespian chapter 21 . 3/7/2018
Good chapters
Ashgibson0381 chapter 19 . 1/18/2018
I am absoulty in love with this I hope you continue to write!
CatchingStar chapter 19 . 12/17/2017
Very good. I am glad I continued to read. I liked all the other chapters since my review and I hope you update soon. I'm sorry if i was harsh before, but I truly thought Alice messed things up with Jasper and needs to make it up to him or be more open like she is being. Can't wait to read about the fight.
CatchingStar chapter 14 . 12/17/2017
I'm so mad at Alice right now! She hurt him so much and he has to apologize? She is not honest and he has to apologize for reacting to that? That is so unfair. She will continue to hide things from him and worry more about Edward and Bella then him. Of course she can have friends, but she should communicate with him. Not manipulate him, hide, and let him suffer because of her. Add to his pain too!

You write pretty well if I am that mad. Congratulation on your work. I, honestly, hope that I can continue reading, but only if Alice changes. Stops acting like that. He is the one being left aside, blind, and he has to make amends? I don't agree with that. Onto the next chapter...
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