Reviews for Locked Heart
Filisgirl251 chapter 8 . 11/6/2014
loved it
Crystal Dragon's blood chapter 8 . 7/11/2014
but if demonas dead then Macbeth is dead...?
gaarablack chapter 8 . 8/3/2012
PlaidPajamas01 chapter 5 . 7/30/2012
Phoenix chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
Hmm... an interesting introduction. I feel like your rambled a bit but I'm still interested to find out more about Taylor.
ShadowMuse88 chapter 2 . 6/1/2012
I like the story but there are a few things i noticed that really stand out she is 20 and living on her own why suddenly move in with a Uncle she never knew when she doesn't want to just because her parents will states they wish it.

Also you should do some research on wills as that was not one simply a list of wishes yes still permissible as a will but not one that was done by a lawyer as it should have been if they have a lawyer which you stated they did. Also lawyers aren't always the executor of the will they only are if they are retained before death with the will you had which was more of a list of requests they more than likely wouldn't have a lawyer but a friend of other family member as executor of the will.

It takes several days before a funeral happens after a death it's usually about a week or more as embalming and preparing the bodies can take several days, procuring a coffin, and a plot also take a while unless they were already bought before hand. Sometimes churches have coffins you can rent and the body is on a tray and placed into the coffin for the funeral this is usually done if they want to have a viewing before cremation or if they can't afford to buy a elaborate coffin but want it to look good at the viewing.

Murder victims and accident victims usually have closed casket ceremonies because of the damage done to the body sometimes when stab wounds or gun shot wounds can be hidden under clothes they can have open casket i am guessing that is the case with this incident. Viewing depending on how long you are renting the funeral home can last several hours or several days though usually the ones that last several days are done in the families home and not a funeral home. After the viewing which the overseeing family usually stay for, the body is either transported to a church for a service or to the cemetery the family and friends will follow the funeral cars to the cemetery for the body to be lowered the ground and depending on your religion a close family member will pick up and toss the first dirt into the grave while a priest says some words. Since they didn't follow you might want to specify that they wished to be cremated and their religion outlaws embalming or they didn't wish it (should have been in the will) which would explain the quick ceremony as even when kept in a freezer most of the time after a few days bodies tend to bloat from decomposition.

When my mom passed away from Cancer she wished that we didn't get to see her body, arrangements had already been made by her as she had known it was coming for over a year when she passed away at the hospital her body was put on ice and sent to the funeral home where it spent about 2 weeks on ice before being cremated and we were given her ash's a few weeks later. She did not want a funeral or a service so we are simply going to spread her ash's at the one place she absolutely loved the casino's in Oklahoma lol.

Oh yeah also headstones take several days to get cut so yeah you really rushed that a lot, the devil is in the details and this seems very rushed and much is glossed over or ignored you might want to keep that in mind for you writing in the future and doing a bit of research on things you don't know a lot about, but want to include in your story is a must otherwise people that do know about it tend to be very put off by the story. I will be honest i like the story, but the way your story is rushing through things really turns me off of it i hope you continue writing though after all there just isn't enough people that write Gargoyle's fanfics is there. :)
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 8 . 4/24/2011
i loved it!
Asriel18Asi chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
Awesome story, I just wish that there was more of it to read.
BooBoisiiee chapter 8 . 7/17/2010
I love the endings of your stories. I have tears in my eyes when I say this, but your stories have almost the same endings. But that makes your stories even awsomer.
BlueSirenRose chapter 8 . 2/20/2009
Aww I love this story! Brooklyn has always been my favorite gargoyle. I am really glad I got to read this.

Hey maybe you may like my story...if you go to and search under my name or under the title: A Ballet Dream I only have a prologue right now but hey see if you like it.

I plan on reading some more of your work XD I can't seem to get enough of it. I also have some works on here farther along if you check out my profile. Have fun!

Jingles chapter 1 . 9/9/2008
Your female lead needs to have more development; in the first chapter, she effortlessly beats the gang of boys up - mentioning her extensive background in martial arts in only an off-hand paragaph. Maybe develop that aspect of her more, to make her more realistic?
Forever chapter 8 . 8/17/2008
Cool, this was an awsome story :3
SailorRocket007 chapter 8 . 8/9/2008
I loved this story! _ There really should be a sequel!
TheLadyBookworm chapter 8 . 6/22/2008
While I enjoyed the story over all, you do remember that Demona can not be killed outright due to her bond with MacBeth, right? As someone who obviously loves the series as much as I did, You may wish to put a note in somewhere (I was just really thrown by it). Your writing style was uniquely refreshing and your lack of errors made your story really flow. I hope to read more from you soon and if you ever need a beta-reader, please free to contact me.
Dark Fox Tailz chapter 5 . 6/8/2008
I thought this chapter was really good. And here's a real funny idea for you to use if you like. In the next chapter, have Broadway and Lex tease Brooklyn a little by having Broadway acting like Brookyn and Lex is acting like Taylor and in a female like voice say's "Goodnight Brooklyn" to Broadway, who is acting like Brooklyn and then they both laugh about it.

Please update again soon and thank you.
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