Reviews for Sweet Dreams
Cased In Darkness chapter 18 . 12/2/2011
Eggs wouldn't do. Kohaku started tearing up when Shuichiro was making eggs for breakfast in volume one, I think.
Cased In Darkness chapter 2 . 11/29/2011
Fai reminds me of Chii in this chapter.
anon chapter 2 . 5/16/2011
For some odd reason I was reminded of Chi from Chobits. It's was really cute though
mcgooen chapter 4 . 4/20/2010
OmgIt'sADancingCharmander chapter 28 . 2/26/2010
oh lol. magic mushrooms. i love fay's thoughts x3.
Yashirin chapter 1 . 12/20/2009

damn, that was fun to read~!

...and so funny too~
GreenAppleIce chapter 30 . 10/27/2009
Ha ha, these online chats are hilarious XD I was laughing all the way through, and I think I laughed even harder when Fai changed Kurogane's display name. Whee, it's awesome to see so much of Yuui . I heart him! I totally loved these chats, and I hope there are more! This made my day :)
applepielover chapter 30 . 8/12/2009
Interesting online chats. Good character interaction. XD
saywhatyouneedtosay chapter 18 . 7/31/2009
Hey there!

I just finished reading all your drabbles/stories here,they're adorable! But I got a question: are you going to resume writing the story line you came up with in "April 1st"?

Hope to read more soon!
Fai'swingedchronicles chapter 30 . 7/31/2009
LOL I love these your awsome! Poor kuro Yuui should be worried about him getting hurt not Fai lol
Azamiko chapter 30 . 7/30/2009
Ominous-Shadow chapter 29 . 7/30/2009
I love reading msn or any little chat as such :) Especially when it's Kuro-pup, Fai and Yuui conversing together. It's such a funny thing. I love Yuui's tactfulness with the questions probing Kuro-guppy and I LOVE Fai's blatant need for sex.

This gave me my fill of Kurofai for the day! Now I can go to bed without being starved of it (gosh, I sound like an addict). Haha!

I can't wait for more _
Arctic Bee chapter 29 . 7/16/2009
This is one of my favs. I love msn stories xD.

Man, I don't know which Fluorite I like better... Fai or Yuui. Fai or Yuui -cries- I like them both.

Thanks for giving Yuui a sarcastic side. c:
Arctic Bee chapter 17 . 7/16/2009
Sakura actually made a good choice :o

mwahaha, poor Syaoran.

I liked the part about Kuro-tan and Fai xD
Arctic Bee chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
:( Y'no what I happen to think Fai's coat is know what I'm going to cut off that thought xD.

Interesting concept you have going on here... I'm wondering the same thing... how does carrying a few boxes result in sex. Hmm..
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