Reviews for Where Am I?
DBZloverPNK chapter 4 . 3/13/2015
Hope you update on this story. This is very good. I was nearly crying when both Naruto and Sasuke were upset.
kiki2222 chapter 4 . 4/12/2014
Please update soon.
Cadel chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
Oh the hilarity of it all!


Keep it going
rokudaime09 chapter 4 . 2/26/2011
awww this is absolutely amazing! its funny and intriguing...pleaseeeeee update

can't wait for the hokage's reaction on the new naruto...and her diagnose onvhim and what will sasuke and the others reaction about naru especially when sakura found out he kissed sasuke.
NF chapter 4 . 12/19/2010
I have to admit, this is probably one of my favourite stories involving Naruto and Sasuke. The plot so far is quite entertaining and i'm really enjoying the reactions from the original Susu and Naru to their somewhat bizzare predicament. I also applaud your uncanny skill in keeping the main protagonist in character, i find that major deviantions from their orginal personalities can be a bit hard too read but you've manage that really well.

I find the 'normal' Susuke's reaction to his 'best friend' trying to jump him really funny, i couldn't hold in my laughter. Good stuff man.

Best wishes for you and I hope more chapters will be on their way.

LS chapter 4 . 12/14/2010
Well, this has to be one of the best ones i've read _

I actaully quite excited about the whole damn thing and how that whole plots going. I love how the characters interect with eachother..yup I'm definately excited...and thats a hard thing to do for me.

Mate, don't need to even improve on anything

Keep at it

xxxwallflowerxxx chapter 4 . 11/14/2010
love it love it o/0 i want more
Cheeky Winchester chapter 4 . 11/10/2010
XD i luv this story so far! it makes me giggle :x hehe.. but arg! u havnt uploaded in a whole month! _ gao... update plzzzz! TT
T.D chapter 4 . 11/5/2010
Wow, my my, this is turning out to be quite unbearably exciting. I don't read much fan fiction of even watch shows like this but honestly this story actually has one hell of a lot original goodness *thumbsup*

Hope not to sound bossy - but I insist you continue writing more. I will definately be waiting _

Cheers man P
zen129 chapter 4 . 8/29/2010
I reaaaaaally want Naruto from Konoha to use the shadow clone jutsu in front of Sasuke and Tsunade and see them faint or something, and NYC Naruto to get a good look at Tsunade's and Sakura's super strenght by splitting the ground in half or something like that! XD
RyokoMaxwell chapter 4 . 6/29/2010
I'm so digging this story! It's great! Um...I really don't have anything else to say, but I promised myself to review every story I 'story alert' because I'd want the same now, I'm just rambling!

Keep up the great work! I can't wait for your next update! _
Mrs Hatake Itachi chapter 4 . 1/3/2010
Nice, do update soon!
Prussian Approved chapter 4 . 12/17/2009
Oh man! Haha, Tsunade you crazy person. XD Wow, wonder if she would actually get it up there. Wonder if they will every go back and will they like meet and stuff. That would be cool. Haha, update soon! :D
Prussian Approved chapter 3 . 12/17/2009
Golly! Poor Naruto that is now in Konoha. He is so confused. I know the first thing I would do if I were him. Run to Shikamaru! Muhahaha. Then we could finally be together. Haha, anyways, awesome chappie! :D
Prussian Approved chapter 2 . 12/16/2009
Aw! They are in different worlds and oh man! This is so good! XD I think I will die if find out if they end up going back. TTTT
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