Reviews for Vengeance for the Innocent
Alanastra Ofnadwen chapter 41 . 2/24
Wow, reading this was a blast! I love how you gave Jason such a complex rôle, particularly in the dichotomy of the little boy who became an undead, unkillable, murdering embodiment of violent death against the vengeful protector of the truly innocent. Your characters are well thought out and surprisingly internally consistent. That seems to be one of the biggest disappointments I experience in reading fanfics, so reading this was a delight! You also write the killing scenes exceptionally well!

I also really enjoyed how relatable Dawn was on a personal level. She really reminded me of myself 30 years ago (even though where I grew up running into Victor Crowley would have been FAR more likely), from being the kid who befriended the outcasts at school, who saw beauty as an inner thing, and who trusted easily, to the piano playing, shy friendliness, having a white kitten, reading well above the typically expected level, love of animals and nature, and persistence. Fortunately, my parents were far from abusive, although they were a bit benignly neglectful, especially when it came to the books I was allowed to read. Also, whilst I was cute enough for a skinny, pasty little ginger with hazel eyes, a freckled nose, and the scabby knees and elbows of a daredevil tomboy, I was no beauty queen.
And life certainly seems to do a number on innocent, trusting children. I’m sure I’m far from the only one whose abilities to trust and forgive were tortured, mangled, and finally murdered by virtue of their very existence. :-/ I hope Dawn can retain those aspects of herself far longer.
King Vader 66 chapter 5 . 4/24/2019
Dame it seems that killing is Jason's business and business is really good
Godzilla183 chapter 41 . 1/13/2018
I thought Dawn was perfect but yes she has flaws then again everyone does
Guest chapter 5 . 12/11/2017
From what you described it sounds like Jason ran several times, and that that was either a really small but deep lake, or James had a really good throwing arm
Onishin Tsukitenshi chapter 41 . 11/24/2017
I hope you get to the second volume soon.
Zoei5729 chapter 29 . 11/1/2017
I almost started crying. Jason is not ugly. He never was. I have always thought of him as beautiful. Who cares if he kills people? He's just a beautiful person.
Zoei5729 chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
When I read the line, "She cocked her head with wonder at her savior and almost smiled when he tilted his head too," I did smile. It was so cute!
Ahtomiax chapter 41 . 10/17/2017
Take your time! :D I've been waiting patiently and I'll continue to do so! I love your story so much, I've re-read it about a thousand times already haha
Guest chapter 40 . 10/16/2017
Brutal, just wrenching and sad and lovely- I give this a 9. 7/10. Dawn is a little too perfect, being lovely and smart, however it isn't taking away from the story. The depth you give Jason is wonderful, as the movie doesn't show that side of the hockey mask bad boy. Even if Dawn is a little too perfect, it doesn't become apparent all the time and it doesn't make her a Mary Sue. Just give her a flaw or two and this story would jump to a 13/10!
CuriousChimera16 chapter 1 . 8/30/2017
This Friday the 13th fic is among the best I've ever read. The depth that you've given Jason and the other characters is astounding. You practically give your readers a direct window into the world you've written. It's a lot like Beast's mirror from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and that's one reason why the fic is so good! I also really appreciate that you've given Jason clear motives for his actions, a conscience, and a compassionate and loving side. It's a breath of fresh air since Jason, and other characters like him, are almost always portrayed as soulless monsters that can't comprehend love, compassion, or peace. I'm also really eager to see the cliffhanger resolved. I've grown rather fond of the characters, and I'd love to see how this amazing story ends. :) Have a great day!
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
When are you gonna work on this story this is ine of my favorite story I wish you don't give up I want to read it but can't because it's not finish so please please finish this story please please PLEASE I really REALLY LOVR THIS STORY and I really really REALLY WANT YA TO FINISH THIS STORY
HAIL KING DELIRIOUS chapter 1 . 4/25/2017
more please noooooooowww
Joker Kat chapter 40 . 4/5/2017
Nooo I don't want to end :( what is continue story and f*** you for cliff hangers
Warner Bro chapter 40 . 4/4/2017
Warvoly chapter 40 . 3/22/2017
There are people who love to get attention by posting useless and ridiculous comments. Your stories are incredible, never get discouraged.
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