Reviews for Sparking Hate
RyouTheThiefKing chapter 17 . 1/19
I love this story! Will you be continuing it? Ryou is just so done with everything and it’s hilarious
DemonicAngel5972 chapter 17 . 5/22/2019
Oh... so when do Bakura find out about Ryou past? And what will Ryou do when he figure out Bakura and/or Marik plan?
Xajora chapter 17 . 2/8/2019
Oh wow, a few months late to seeing this update but I'm very excited if you ever work on it more! I remember really liking this fic years ago, finally a story where Ryou isn't a pathetic woobie but has experienced some things that make him closer to the Thief King and also Bakura actually being proactive instead of reactive. It still holds up pretty well, rereading it. If you continue it I'm sure lots of happy people will be reading even if they don't say they are!
NightmareTroubador chapter 17 . 12/23/2018
I'm still around and I enjoyed this pleasant surprise. Thank you.
Tendershipping4ever chapter 16 . 6/24/2017
ashley.herrera.16547 chapter 16 . 12/24/2013
Update soon it's a great story!
bwineylion chapter 2 . 7/31/2013
I like your dramatic writing style; it adds to the excitement of the story. However, if it gets too grandiose, the mood may start to feel like your trying to hard -overboard. The idea of a punk Ryou is fun, I can't wait to see where you take this!
Silver-Haired-Thief chapter 16 . 2/12/2013
Okay okay i' m leaving a review!well.i love the story, ithas a great plotand i likehow yougot rid of yugi early. :D
winnie chapter 16 . 8/7/2012
yes :D finally, i was so used to seeing so many fics (most) about Ryou not being in control, or at least trying to fight back as much as this :)
-I do wonder, how would Bakura have been able to keep a black bag full of his lockpicks if he's only a spirit?
I also don't think that I would really need to comment much on this, the story is so grand, that nothing can be done but gaze in the awe of the fantastic character background (for Ryou, and the mysterious as always one for Bakura), and plot :D keep writing :)

oh and, like Ryou said:
"Well…" Ryou paused. The other two Items, Pegasus' Eye and Yugi's Puzzle had been easy pickings.
it seemed to be too easy, but i guess that would be the calm before the storm, right? :)
Kiley chapter 16 . 3/6/2011
You MUST MUST MUST MUST continue! Oh my goodness this is so good! It's better than cake!.. and I love cake!
looptheloopy chapter 16 . 2/2/2011
Woah... Please update D: I fail with reviews but I adore this story and now I'm hooked D: Don't deprive an addict of their fix LOL
looptheloopy chapter 11 . 2/1/2011
That was really unfair! Ryou is going through all /this/ and then the little girl! I pity him, I really do
Specklefur chapter 16 . 11/16/2010

Pure brilliance.

I love tough-Ryou, and I love the way you portray all the other characters as well.
Nancy CuddleKitten Nickeson chapter 16 . 9/7/2010
O.O Wow.
Affy-Bakura chapter 16 . 6/28/2010
"Why they didn't just take the key and slaughter the guard, Bakura didn't know, but no matter." XD Best. Line. Ever! Haha!

Millennium Thief, I like it.

I really, REALLY love this story! Please update soon!
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